The Gratitude Fix: Tradition...


The past 5 years, my family and I make the drive to Philly the weekend before Thanksgiving to watch my Father run the half-marathon. This is a before picture from last year when I decided to run the 8K which took place that same weekend as a challenge for myself. This picture is me finishing that race -- 40lbs heavier than I am now. This year, I'M running the half marathon with my uncle while my father and family cheer me on. And, i can't WAIT for that after picture!

As I prepare for our road trip tonight, I've planned some healthy options to take along with me...because, well...goals!

Ever notice how when you travel, you always feel out of sorts? LIke, you have an upset stomach, or you're extra tired and lacking energy.  But, I thought more about why that might be, and realized that while traveling, because our normal daily routine is thrown off, that messes with our bodies equilibrium.

For me, I tend to fall off the band wagon with drinking plenty of water, and eating enough vegetables. I get plenty of fruit, carbs and protein, but always feel cleaner and less bloated when I eat a balanced diet throughout the day, so I planned ahead for our upcoming road trip!

Here are some of the things that I plan to bring with me for the trip, so that I can eat clean and stay on track!

Shakeology (obviously!)
I bought an inexpensive single serving Ninja blender that I can easily pack and bring along with me so that I wouldn't miss a day of this supershake! If there is any time that I would absolutely need Shakeology in my life, it's while I'm traveling and lacking some of the normal nutrients that I would typically get in a day. I plan to start each morning out with Shakeology like I normally do, to ensure that I'm getting all of the vitamins, minerals and energy that I need! It will also help to keep me regular :)

Fruit, especially kinds with a natural casing like Bananas or oranges, are perfect to take along with you on road trips! I packed a few for the road, but also peeled and froze some to add to my shakeology in the mornings! Not a necessary step, but I like my shakes that way!

Steamed Broccoli
I was struggling with ideas on what to bring along with me for veggie options. Someone had suggested that I try V8, but since V8 is not something I've introduced to my diet before, I didn't want to risk it this weekend...especially with my first half marathon. So, I chose broccoli as one option! Some can handle raw broccoli, but for some reason I get TERRIBLE runners stomach when I eat it this way, so I steamed a couple bags of frozen broccoli, portioned them out with my green container, and I'll have them as snacks along the way.  Not really an ideal snack, but my goal is to stay fueled properly, without resorting to bad options, so I can deal with the weirdness of snacking on steamed broccoli for the weekend!

Red Pepper Strips
I had some red peppers in the fridge, so I sliced them up, portioned them out, and they make a great snack for on the go!

Hard Boiled Eggs
Hard boiled eggs are a GREAT source of protein while on the go. I boil water, add the eggs and boil for about 10 minutes, then drain the hot water, add cold water and ice to the pan to quickly cool them down. Once cooled, I pre-peel them so they are easy to grab while driving.

Raw nuts, like Almonds or walnuts, are a great source of fat and nutrient dense calories while on the road! Pair them with a piece of fruit, and they help to balance out the sugar spike that fruit provides, giving you long lasting energy between meals!

Sweet Potatoes
Yes, I know, a little out of the ordinary, but I need to make sure that I'm eating the right kinds of carbs while fueling for the half. I had three sweet potatoes that needed to be cooked, so I peeled them, cubed them, then steamed them.  Once they were done, and cooled, I portioned them out using my Yellow container. I'll most likely pair sweet potatoes with the broccoli and perhaps two hard boiled eggs as a lunch.

Planning ahead for your trips can mean the difference of staying on track all weekend OR making a poor choice at a truck stop. For me, I thought of my goals and how I want to finish this round of the 21 Day Fix with my accountability group strong, so I'm willing to sacrifice some of the taste while on the road for the proper fuel that my body needs.  

My next accountability group starts on November 30th! If you, or someone you know would like to join me after the Thanksgiving holiday to get back on track with your nutrition and fitness, then Contact me today! Together, we can stay on track before the next major Holiday, and WOW our family.

Who's with me?

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