My Journey to Health and Happiness: A Work in Progress

When I first had my son I was the heaviest I've ever been in my life, and it showed...both physically, and emotionally.  I have a background in Exercise Science, and have always loved exercise, but the only place that really motivated me was the gym or a group fitness class...and, being a full time working mom with a long commute each day, the gym was out of the question.
(Here is me and my son at 6 months, and only about 30lbs lighter since his birth - I gained over 50lbs!!!)

I saw a post on Facebook from a friend, asking me to join a Challenge Group where I would virtually meet many others who, like me, were looking for weight loss, and an overall healthy change in their life. I joined....but man was I skeptical. I HATED the idea of working out at home, and completely did not believe that I could do it. But, I knew I needed to do something, and if that's what it would take, then I was willing to try anything at that point!

Upon joining, my ultimate goal was to be able to run I used to. I wanted to get out there and run 10 miles like it was nothing, and that's what I set out to do.  I started with Piyo, which helped me to strengthen my core again, and my posture improved. I moved onto T25, which improved my muscle tone and my cardio level, then back to Piyo where I was stronger than the first time...then I jumped on the Shakeology bandwagon and partnered it with 21 Day Fix to clean up my diet.  My results soared!

Somewhere in there, I started running again, and although I'm not up to 10 miles (yet!), I can easily get through a 6 mile workout and feel like I could pump out a couple more.  On top of that, I've lost 75lbs (20 lbs less than I was before pregnancy!!) and feel healthier than ever!  I continue to drink my Shakeo every day, and follow along with the 21 Day Fix principles...which has become a lifestyle of it's own, and I'm loving it!
                                      My transformation...well....more like my work in progress :)

So that's my far. I'm constantly growing each day, and have LOT'S more to share! Like, challenges I've faced along the way, to how I signed up for a 1/2 Marathon in November without really thinking (I tend to do that sometimes)...

Until next time!


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