The Power of Affirmations

I woke up up this morning, and just kept hitting the snooze button.  I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to push play, I just wanted to sleep in!! I don't feel like this every day, but there are times where I debate with myself on what I need the most: rest or exercise. Fortunately, exercise (or more importantly, my health) wins every time.

So, how do I put mind over matter each and every day? I use affirmations.

Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation, which are often repeated, until they are impressed on the subconscious mind.  This process, pushes the subconscious mind to take action and to strive to make the positive statement come true.  When you learn how to use affirmations, you get a great tool for achieving success and for improving your life.

Here is me this morning after pushing play! Tired, and happy!

Imagine this: You signed up for a 10K race, and you're heading out for your first long run - 6 miles...oh, boy! You've never done 6 miles before, and you have your mind set on completing it just once before your race.  You're excited, and ready!

You get out there, and halfway through you start hitting a wall.  You're starting to feel discouraged, but there's only one way home!  So, you start talking to yourself..."Come on, you got this! You made it this far! Just 3 more miles! You can do anything you set your mind to!". Suddenly, you've put mind over matter, and you're settling into a steady pace again.

You keep talking yourself through it, and before you know it, you've hit 6 miles with a smile on your face. You did it! You knew you could! And, you used affirmations to get there without even realizing it!

What if you were to flip that scenario, and instead of pushing yourself through the run, you start saying to yourself, "I can't do this", or "I'm not cut out for this running thing".  Consequently, you lose ambition, motivation and faith, and you in turn bring about what you said to yourself.

To start using affirmations, pay attention to the words that you repeat in your mind.  Discover whether you are using negative statements, like: I can't do this, I'm too lazy, I'm not strong enough, I'm going to fail.  If you are, turn those negatives statements into positive ones, and repeat them constantly to help you focus your mind on your goal.

If you're trying to lose weight, and you feel discouraged or are having a bad day, remind yourself that you'll have days like this, and that you're strong enough to reach your goal. You just have to put your mind to it, and talk yourself through from start to finish, and beyond!  Easier said than done? If you repeat affirmations over and over again, then eventually your mind will learn to accept them - sort of like establishing a habit.

Start creating images of yourself reaching your goal, and how you'll feel when you do.  If you're goal is weight loss, picture yourself at your goal weight! I'll admit, I do this a lot. I picture myself standing in front of the mirror with this huge smile on my face saying, "I DID IT!!! And, I feel AMAZING!".

Whatever your goal is, whether it be to lose weight, eat healthy, or exercise more, start using affirmations today!  Start slow, catch yourself when you're thinking negatively, and change your thoughts around quickly!

What's your favorite affirmation?

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