Recipe Highlight: Easy Beef Enchiladas from

I made these Easy Beef Enchiladas from for dinner last night, and received two thumbs up from my better half!  When it comes to food, he can tend to have quite an opinion, so I try my best each night to choose meals that will not only satisfy him and my one and half year old, but that are 21 Day Fix approved. is one of my FAVORITE sites for healthy meal ideas, and I use it often.  The recipes are already slimmed down for us, but because I truly believe in the principles of the 21 Day Fix, I try to "fixify" anything I can to fulfill my needs.  

First of all, I'm all about convenience, but I try to make as much as I can from scratch, so I make my own Enchilada sauce instead of buying canned.  If you're a meal prepper (like me), then you can plan to make this on the days that you prep the rest of your food for the week.  The more you can prep beforehand, the less time you spend in the kitchen each night!

For the enchilada sauce (Used from

- Heat a medium saucepan, and spray with Olive Oil.  
- Saute two minced garlic cloves.  
- Add 1-2 Tbsp of Chipotle Chiles (I get the canned chiles in Adobo Sauce), 1/2 tsp Chipotle Chili Powder, 1/2 tsp Ground cumin, 3/4 Cup Chicken Broth, 1.5 Cups Hunt's Sugar Free Tomato Sauce, and salt and pepper to taste.  
- Bring the sauce to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 5-10 minutes.  
- If you're prepping ahead, store the sauce in a mason jar or tightly sealed container until you're ready to use it, or if you're making the night of, just set aside.  This sauce can also be easily freezed, and used later!

For the enchilada recipe, I needed more veggies but less cheese. So, I added chopped green and red peppers to the filling, and left out the cheese.

Here's the BEST part! One serving for this recipe = 2 enchiladas, so since it was just my fiance and I last night, I only really needed to make four enchiladas - two for him, one for me!   What did I do with the one left over? Packed it up for lunch the next day! How perfect?? That's meal planning at it's finest.  I try to use dinner leftovers for lunches as often as possible.  Not only am I not wasting food, but it's less ingredients that I need to buy at the grocery store, which means less $ spent!

Here's the other great part...I had enough ingredients to make eight enchiladas.  So, whatever we didn't need I was able to package up and freeze for another week.  This, again, means one less meal that I have to plan for next week, and less $ spent at the grocery store!

I'll be working on some posts all about meal planning, and where to start in the near future. In the meantime, if anyone has any questions about meal planning, then email me or find me on facebook!

Stay healthy, my friends!

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