A Sneak Peek at Being a Beachbody Coach!

I know what this coaching thing looks like from the outside looking in...I used to BE the onlooker.  I used to look the other way, thinking that it was a gimmick, salesy, and at times a little annoying. Deep down, though, I just plain thought I couldn't do something like that myself...so I scrolled on by. In fact, when I signed up as a coach at first, I had no intentions of taking coaching any further than a sweet discount on my monthly shakeology...I simply wanted to lose the weight that I had to lose, get my body back post baby, and then who knew what!

As I went through the process, joined into accountability groups, followed along with my program exactly as it was laid out for me, drank my shakeology every day, planned ahead, and pushed play daily, I found myself starting to share about what I was doing with others as they were noticing my results.

I started looking into coaching further...what resources did I have at my fingertips? How could I help my friends do what I was doing? How could I make a part time income just by sharing what I was doing? How could I share what I was doing, without coming across as salesy? And (my biggest concern) how the HECK was I going to find the time for this?!?! I quickly realized that my skepticism behind coaching really stemmed from me not having all of the details.

I realized that I was part of a team of coaches who had a name for being one of the most authentic around. I realized that personal development was one of the number one vital things that my team focused on daily...things like building confidence, leadership, being a better human being, FINDING TIME, and just allover being a badass #GIRLBOSS!

So now that I have the details, I want to share them with you! I'll be co-hosting an inside look at what it is we coaches actually do on a daily basis - a 3 Day Sneak Peek at Coaching! You'll have the chance to ask us any burning questions you might have (like I did), and we'll answer them in ALL honesty! This is an opportunity that I wish I had in the beginning of my coaching journey, so that's why I'm putting it out there for YOU!

Join in here! We get started tomorrow :)

3 Day Sneak Peek - JOIN HERE!

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