A Vicious Cycle: How I STOPPED Dieting, and STARTED Living!

Can you relate?

I was a classic yo yo dieter. I would hear about the next trendy diet on TV, join weight watchers (over and over again), and spend thousands of dollars on horse pills and supplements that I hardly knew anything about. The idea of starting a new "diet" was almost addictive, and I would get all excited about getting started (on a Monday of course).   I'd write down my meal plan for the week, plan my workouts, and promised myself that THIS TIME I was going to see it through from beginning to end! Monday would come and I would be ready!

I'd do really great for the first 10 days or so, and I would even lose a few pounds...but, by day 10, I'd start to fall off track. I'd start to get cravings (and not the good kind). I'd be irritable, grouchy, and I didn't feel great anymore.  That frustration led to temptation. Everything started smelling REALLY good, and I'd start thinking to myself "this sucks! I'm not having any fun! I'm tired, and I'm miserable!" Then, I'd head out with friends who would be enjoying some pizza and fried food, and I'd say "to heck with this!" The next thing I know, I'm binging on pizza and fried food (and beer), and the guilt sets in. I would be right back to where I started...planning the next diet (to start on a Monday).
A classic yo-yo dieting cycle

I went through this cycle for years! Here's what I've learned:  

Weight loss is a byproduct of good nutrition!
(Let me repeat that again, because it's THAT important: Weight loss is a byproduct of good nutrition!)

Each time I started a diet, I would lower my calorie intake and increase my activity.  With lowering my calories, I wasn't getting the recommended daily amount of nutrients, but I was asking my body to do MORE than what it was capable of.  By the time day 10 came around, nutrient deficiency started to kick in.  That lack of nutrients came in the form of cravings. And, do you know what cravings are, really? Cravings are the bodies way of saying "I need more nutrients!". (It's also the bodies way of tricking you into devouring an entire package of Hershey kisses) When our bodies get all of the nutrients that it needs, then it won't crave, you'll have more energy, you'll feel better and you'll do more...with all of that, weight loss just happens!! (It's a byproduct of GOOD nutrition!) :)

When I first decided to try Shakeology and the 21 Day Fix, do you know what I thought? I thought it was just another diet to add to my list of "tried and failed". I thought it was a gimmick that I was falling prey to, but was so desperate that I was willing to try anything. But, to my surprise, after a week and a half following the program, my cravings never came...in fact, I never even thought about them! That same excitement that I had for all of the other programs I tried in the past was still there.  I looked forward to planning the next weeks meals, prepping them, and took satisfaction in the choices I was making. My complexion cleared up. My energy skyrocketed, and with ALL of that, I was consistently losing weight.

A full year of healthy choices

Now, after almost a whole year of drinking Shakeology and practicing proper portioning, a short 21 days has turned into a lifestyle of healthy choices, and NO MORE yo yo dieting. I've been able to venture into other programs while still utilizing the principles of the 21 Day Fix, making it all the more invaluable for me - Piyo while I trained for a half marathon, 21 Day Fix Extreme to get through the Holiday's, and now Hammer and Chisel to step out of my comfort zone, and train my body an a totally different way!

I share all of this with you because I've found something that has worked for me in ways that I never imagined it would. Not only am I leading this healthier lifestyle, but I've gained my life back. I'm happier, I'm more mindful, and present.  I share this because I want to pay it forward. Even if I helped just ONE person to change their life the way that mine has changed, I'd be 110% satisfied.

So, if you can relate to this, even just a little bit, then join me in my healthy journey, and let me help you create yours!

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