Creating a lifetime of healthy!

How do you create a lifestyle that is healthy, and happy? What's involved? What do you need to be successful? Here's my take on this:

First, you need to want to live healthfully.  Creating a healthy lifestyle requires a change in your mindset, and also accepting that a change is needed.  It should be natural, and exciting! So exciting that you want to tell EVERYONE about your new found desire to become a healthier, better version of yourself.

Now, when I say "I want to be healthy". What does that mean to most people? Most will interpret this statement as "I need to lose weight" or "I need to start working out and eating better".  And, while those interpretations may very well be true, living a healthy lifestyle is so much more than just that! Being healthy can mean many different things to different people, but I believe that when you're healthy you're making the essential connection between your mind, body, and your soul as a whole.

You need to exercise. Start an effective exercise program tailored to your needs and goals.  I'm a huge believer in establishing an exercise routine that WORKS FOR YOU! We are all motivated by many different things. Some of us like to go to Group Fitness Classes, while some of us cringe at the idea.  Others enjoy a nice walk or run outside where they can soak up the fresh air, and a little Vitamin D.  Working out at home might work for others, whereas some might find that they easily become distracted by kids, TV, chores, and perhaps the couch!  When it comes down to it, there are SO many different ways to fit exercise in.  For some, it's all about convenience, and what can work with their schedule (this may just have to be a separate blog post, because I a lot of ideas on time management when it comes to fitting in exercise and staying healthy...I digress!)

Along with exercise, you need eat clean. Learn to eat as though your life depended on it, because it does! You are, literally, what you eat.  Luckily, if our mind, and body connections are working the way they should, once you start an exercise routine, you're more likely to eat healthy! Isn't that beautiful!? I'll be posting A LOT about nutrition and what it means to eat clean (to me).  This is an area that I have struggled with in the past, and here and there I'll slip up - newsflash: most people do! And it's ok! It's just a matter of getting yourself back on track, and not letting it happen again (at least not consecutively).

As you're beginning to exercise, and eat clean, you should also be educating yourself! Fortunately for us, there are plenty of blogs, social media platforms, and....Pinterest.  All of which can help motivate and educate you on how to reach your goals.  Here's where it gets tricky (in my opinion), and this is important...if you're going to take anything out of this blog post today, please let it be this: There are literally thousands of opinions, and theories, and ideas out there on how to get healthy, and lose weight, and what to eat, and what not to eat.  Through trial and error, find what works the best for you, and stick to that.

Now that you've started your exercise routine, eating clean, and you're constantly educating yourself: Commit and be consistent! After I had my son, I committed to a Beachbody Challenge Group through facebook. With that, I committed to exercising, eating clean, and educating myself to become a healthier, better version of myself!  Beachbody programs and nutrition plans are something that works for me.  I feel good, eat right, and find it easier to commit to the program because I feel accountable to my groups.  Which leads me to my last point today...

Create a supportive environment for yourself.  Tell everyone about your goals, and what you're trying to do.  Join a challenge group like I did. Join a gym. Find some friends with similar goals, and schedule workouts with them! Whatever you do, set yourself up for success, and you'll be a healthier, happier version of yourself!

Lastly, don't forget about me! I'm here to support YOU too.  Leave me a comment, or email me.  Find me on Facebook, and join some of my monthly groups. Whatever you do, don't go about this alone!

Until next time!

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