The Gratitude Fix: Reflection...


Over the past couple of weeks, my emotions have been on overdrive, and I couldn't figure out why.  Then, it hit me! This little guy is turning two in a little over a week! Where has the time gone, and can I please have some of it back?

Life moves so fast, and it seems to have sped up since our son came into our world. Ever feel that way? We all seem to go about our days on autopilot, and sometimes forget to take a second to just reflect - What have we done in the past year or two that we are proud of? What could we have done better? Would we have handled certain situations differently, or are we satisfied?

Looking back at this past year, I am amazed at how much I've accomplished, and how much has happened.  In the beginning, I was stuck in a hard place. I was frustrated at how hard {i though} I was working to lose weight, and reach my ultimate weight loss goal, but NOT seeing any results.

Incorporating the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology into my life was a game changer, a mood changer, and an overall life changer for me. I'm sure without it, I would have still lost the weight that I had, but knowing myself I'd be taking the long way around it all.  21 Day Fix simplified eating right for me, and changed my mindset about food all together. I don't worry, stress, or fear weight gain anymore if I have a piece of pizza, or chocolate (all foods which used to get me into trouble).

At first, I looked at the 21 Day Fix as just another diet plan. It's so far from that. It's a lifestyle change.

If you're anything like me, and need that lifestyle change, and need that healthy relationship with food, then join me in my journey! Together, we can live healthfully, and happily :)

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