The Gratitude Fix: Mornings


...always super hectic. Always on the go.  I'm so thankful for Sunday mornings when I can just cuddle on the couch for a bit with this little guy before we get our day started.

Anyone else have a hard time staying on track over the weekends?

Weekends had always been my downfall. I tended to pack Saturday's with chores, errands, and a long list of "to dos".  Sunday's would entail food shopping and more chores, so that I would forget to take care of myself along the way.  I had no meals planned specifically for the weekend, so I'd forget to eat; and when I finally remembered, I was so hungry that I'd grab anything fast just to satisfy. All of my hard work during the week down the drain...

When I started the 21 Day Fix, I found that I was staying on track better over the weekend, and I was getting up earlier in the day to workout and have my Shakeology. Starting my day off on the right foot helped me to stay on track throughout the day, and before I knew it, I was much more aware of my choices on the weekends.

Now, if I go out to eat with the family, or go away for the weekend, I can enjoy myself and the foods that I love, but I don't overindulge like I used to.

Here are some tips that I use to stay on track over the weekend:

1. Get up early, and workout! Yes, we ALL like to sleep in on the weekends, but look at it this way...if you sleep in, then you have less time in the day to get things done, which means that you'll put exercise on the backburner, and most likely breakfast - two things that really set the stage for your day. So, get up and push play early!

2. Eat a healthy breakfast! After you push play, follow it up with a healthy, balanced breakfast. I always start my day with Shakeology, because it gives my body all of the nutrients and energy that I need to push through the day...especially a busy weekend day!

3. Drink PLENTY of water! It can be VERY hard to remember to drink enough water during the day, especially on the weekend.  Invest in a good water bottle that you can carry with you throughout the day, and aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces.  Drinking water helps to keep your energy up, helps to curb your appetite and keep you full, and it does wonders for your complexion!

4. Bring healthy snacks with you! If you're always on the go like me, then pack healthy snacks to bring along with you while you're out running errands.  This way, you won't get caught stopping at a drive through for a quick fix.  Fruit is great because they are easily transportable. Pair an apple up with a handful of almonds for a quick boost of energy! Or, how about some string cheese with a piece of fruit.  Hard boiled eggs, and red pepper strips are a "go to" snack of mine!

5. Take a break every now and then! Do not run yourself ragged on the weekends. Yes, weekends are great for getting things done that we can't during the week, but they are also meant for resting after a busy work week! So, plan some time in your day for you! Read a book for 20 minutes. Take a quick 15 minute nap (you'd be surprised how rejuvenated you'll feel after). Take your kids to the park and play with them (not really a rest, but it's fun!).

Keep these tips in mind as we head into a busy holiday season! Our weekends will soon be filled with gift shopping, and holiday parties. So, why not focus on a little TLC for ourselves so that we can keep up with our long "to do" lists?

This Holiday season, let me help you to stay on track with the 21 Day Fix! My team is running a second accountability group in December, and it will be the perfect way to stay on track with your health and fitness goals, and to stay stress free over a busy holiday season!

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