The Gratitude Fix: 21 Days of Gratitude

Hello November!

November is an exciting month, because I'll be running my first half marathon. I started my training in August, and have been amazed at how focused I've been, and how far I've come.

I've utilized so many of the tools that I've been given through coaching, easy to follow fitness programs, and nutrition plans, and feel stronger and faster than ever.

Piyo helps me to stay injury free, flexible, and strong. It has been the perfect cross training program paired with my run training. My time per mile has actually improved by 30 sec since starting my training! 

21 Day Fix and Shakeology, together, help me to stay on point with my nutrition, and keeps my energy up for those long runs. I never feel deprived, malnourished, or dehydrated.

On top of my half marathon, tomorrow I'll be joining my team in a 21 Day Gratitude Fix. There are almost 300 members in our group, coaches and challengers alike, all in it for one goal! To hold ourselves accountable to our health and fitness goals this Holiday Season, while celebrating all that November brings: Gratitude!

We'll be following the 21 Day Fix, and checking in with a daily gratitude photo prompt to prove our accountability!

If YOU want to join in, it's not too late! The 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme will remain on sale this November...only $10 when you get your 30 Day supply of Shakeology! Not a bad deal if I do say so myself!

Is dancing more your thing? Or, perhaps working out, without actually working out? Haha. If so, the CIZE is also on sale this month for the same price! Dance your way through November, with a similar nutrition plan as 21 Day Fix :) 

I'm so ready to see what November brings!

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