The Gratitude Fix: Looking Up

Looking Up...

Having the strength to put mind over matter, push through mental barriers, and moving forward with my goals even when I'm faced with road blocks along the way.

Weight loss is a byproduct of good nutrition. I've said this before. Good nutrition takes discipline, and requires you to take control of your mind and body. If you can do that, then you'll be able to practice good nutrition, motivate yourself to exercise daily, and in turn weight loss will happen.

Here are some common mental barriers that we face when starting an exercise and nutrition plan:

1. Lack of Motivation
Lacking motivation is one of the most common reasons why some have trouble starting and continuing with a fitness program. We can become unmotivated by a wide variety of things, like: a bad experience, a packed schedule, the feeling that you don't have time (or don't know how to find time), fear, not knowing where to start, or not connecting with the program that you've started.

So, how do we motivate ourselves?  Find a program that meets your own personal needs!

What I love about Beachbody programs are that there is literally something for everyone.  Are you looking to lose weight, but you've never exercised before, and you're not really sure what you should be eating OR where to even start? The 21 Day Fix is PERFECT for the beginner. It's also perfect for someone who has no trouble fitting in exercise, but they have trouble sticking to a healthy meal plan.

Are you looking to lose weight, but you HATE exercise? CIZE, one of Beachbody's newest programs, takes you through short dance routines. In the end, you'll be drenched in sweat, and not once will you feel like you just worked out...because it's SO MUCH FUN!

Looking to lose body fat, and sculpt your body? The 21 Day Fix Extreme, Body Beast, or the Master's Hammer and Chisel (Launching December 1st), are all great programs that can help you to build strength, lean out, and lose body fat.

These are just to name a few.

2. Wanting to Quit...
Similar to lack of motivation, we sometimes start a health and fitness routine with the best intentions, but in order to make it a lifestyle, we need to first make it a habit.  Creating a habit takes some time...but not as much time as you think! Research has shown that it only takes 21 days to create a habit.  But, even so, most of us want to see results right away, and when we realize that it takes some time and effort to start seeing results, we quit while we are ahead.

How can we combat wanting to quit while we are ahead?

Accountability groups were my saving grace! They are strategically 21 days to as much as 90 days long, so plenty of time to create a habit, and stick to it! Not only that, but these groups help with motivation as well!

3. Maintaining a healthy LIFESTYLE!
Ok, so you worked out for 30 minutes this morning. Go you!! But, what about the rest of your day? If you're getting in your workout, but then eating poorly or sitting around for the rest of your day, then what's the point?

This is where I got caught up when starting my health and fitness journey. I had no trouble fitting in the exercise, but slacked off with everything else.

The 21 Day Fix really helped me to reel in my unhealthy habits, and get on track with the RIGHT choices! Our programs, along with online support, make it so easy from the start!

If you or someone you know are looking to take control of your health and fitness, combat your lack of motivation, avoid losing momentum, and want to kickstart an overall healthy lifestyle, then let's chat!

Sign up for my next Challenge Group, and let me help you start "Looking Up" to a healthier version of you!

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