You guys!! It's official...I am in SURVIVAL MODE this Holiday season when it comes to my nutrition and fitness.  I don't know about you, but this is a time of year where I used to make excuses as to why I didn't have time to workout...or the money to eat healthy.  You know what I've learned? That ish isn't going to fly this year!  I've discovered, first hand, that if you have a strong desire to do ANYTHING you set your mind to, then you'll 100% find a way to accomplish it. When you're not feeling motivated, you'll find EXCUSES instead, and your ultimate goals will be pushed further and further away.  

Here is what I have learned throughout my weight loss journey. Here are some characteristics that I gained while going through my weight loss journey, and that are essential to successful weight loss: 

1. A STRONG "why!"!  You can't just sorta kinda want to change, you have to REALLY WANT TO CHANGE!  Once the excitement of a new program wears off, what is going to keep you going? Finding that internal motivation to keep pushing you towards your goal is so important, and a strong WHY to get you there is KEY!

2. You have to be COMMITTED. Success come from those who are committed to their WHY! They are willing to do whatever it takes to be successful, and no matter what barriers come their way, they DO NO QUIT! They are committed to starting and finishing the fitness program exactly as it is laid out and they will evaluate and tweak their program as they go. Either way, once they are in, they are ALL IN!

3. You have to BELIEVE in yourself! If you believe and have faith in yourself, then you will be successful. You have to believe that, without a shadow of a doubt, somehow, some way, you will be successful at losing weight.You'll run into a series of trials, errors and triumphs before you find what works for your body the best. Those that have faith, and believe in the process and that I won't lead you astray, succeed. When we start to doubt what we are doing, like: "Its not working fast enough", or, "My progress is TOO slow, or "I NEED MORE cardio" and then start going off and changing things on our own, then we set ourselves up for failure. So, believe in the program - don't second guess it! They were created by experts -- by PEOPLE who BELIEVE in YOU!

4. Successful people follow the nutrition plan put in place. Yes, I know this is easier said than done, but it's the TRUTH! The people who have the MOST success are those that truly follow the nutrition plan laid out in the program. If you aim to eat 80% of the time according to your plan you will get results. If you track your food in a journal, you track your water intake, you allow yourself 1 or 2 treats per week you will make great steady and healthy progress! You can have your cake and eat it too!

This holiday season, i am making it my mission to keep you ACCOUNTABLE & MOTIVATED to continue your health and fitness journey. Start laying out the groundwork before the New Year, and end 2015 better than you started! We'll call it a "reverse" New Years Resolution!

We start November 30th 2015!!!

If you want in, complete this form below, and I'll be in touch with how to get started!

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