The Gratitude Fix: I Can...

I can...

Still manage to find the energy for a celebratory jump after an 11 mile run!

Today in our Gratitude Fix challenge, we share a photo for the prompt, "I can...", and this was how I interpreted it.

So often we focus on the negative. Things we can't do. Things we can't control. We doubt ourselves constantly! But, what if we could just get ourselves to switch gears, and focus on what we CAN do instead!!

Would you think I'm crazy if I told you that before this picture was taken, I kept saying {out loud} "I can't jump right now! My legs are tired. I'm tired. I won't be able to jump very high! I can't do this..." But, what are sisters for!? She pushed me to "I can", and before I knew it I was jumping {several times} until we got the perfect shot...LOL!

We laughed the entire time.

So, instead of focusing on the negative...instead of doubting ourselves and our abilities, focus on positive affirmations!

In fact, pick a few and say them, OUT LOUD to yourself daily.  You might laugh it off, but the physical ACT of verbalizing them makes them more tangible in the universe. Sounds create waves of energy in the air, and that's how we hear them.  You are, when you use and SAY affirmations out loud to yourself, quite literally creating're making them happen! I know it seems cheesy, and you might feel a little silly the first fews times, but trust me on this one! Say them, out loud, with authority, and you'll start to feel that shift from negative doubts, to positive "I cans"!

Don't believe me? Try it! Here are some positive affirmations that you can start saying out loud today!

- I love and approve of myself.
- I trust myself.
- I am unique.
- I matter, and what I have to offer this world also matters.
- I forgive myself for all of the mistakes I have made.
- I let go of my anger so I can see clearly.
- I am worth it.
- I trust myself to make the best decision for me.
- I am beautiful, and smart, and that's how everyone sees me!
- I never know what amazing incredible person I will meet next.
- I am doing work that I enjoy and find fulfilling.
- I engage in work that impacts this world positively.
- I believe in my ability to change the world with the work that I do.
- This day brings me nothing but joy.
- Today will be a gorgeous day to remember.
- I choose to fully participate in my day.
- I am safe and sound. All is well.
- All my problems have a solution.
- I wake up every day with a smile because I know I have something to be thankful for.
- I am more than good enough, and I get better every day.
- I am in charge of how I feel, and today I am choosing happiness.
- I accept myself.

What are some other positive affirmations that you can say to uplift you every single day?

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