For the month of December, I'm committing to the 21 Day Fix Extreme in our team wide challenge - The Holiday Fix!

Originally, I was simply going to commit to the 21 Day Fix, and allow myself those cheat meals and a little leniency, BUT, after coming home from vacation Saturday, my body was craving balance (and vegetables! haha).  So, I made the game plan decision to go to the extreme.

What's the difference between 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme anyways?

I get this question a lot, so let me break it down:

- The 21 Day Fix is appropriate for beginners to intermediate levels, while Extreme is best suited for advanced levels.
- Both workout programs provide a modifier, however the Extreme program's modifications are more intense.
- Both programs use the color coded container system, but the 21 Day Fix allows for treats (like wine or chocolate) while the Extreme plan is 100% clean eating! (NO cheats!)
- Both programs provide a wide variety of nutrient dense food options listed from most nutrient dense at the top, to least at the bottom. However, the 21 Day Fix Extreme eliminates some of foods listed towards the bottom, and focuses on the more nutrient dense.
- 21 Day Fix provides simple, easy recipes, like quinoa and chicken, while Extreme provides more recipes which take you beyond the basics - like Egg Muffin Cups, or Turkey chili (YUM!)
- 21 Day Fix includes a 3 Day Quick Fix option to accelerate your results in the last 3 days of the program, while Extreme offers a "Countdown to Competition" option which gives you Autumn Calabrese's personal plan that she uses when prepping for a competition (...and it's amazing!)
- Both programs provide FAST results in 21 Days - You can lose up to 15 lbs in 21 days with the 21 day fix (I lost 11lbs), OR Shred up and shed off those final pounds in the shortest time possible with the Extreme program (I lost 6lbs). <-- THINK ABOUT IT! YOU could be up to 15lbs lighter by New Years!
- BOTH programs can be purchased for $20 less than their already discounted price, plus extras, until THIS Monday! Plus, you can be automatically enrolled in our next accountability group for December.
Another reason WHY I wanted to do the 21 Day Fix Extreme is because the Master's Hammer and Chisel, Beachbody's newest program, is launching TOMORROW, December 1st, and I want to be in tip top shape before I start in January!


I'm really excited about this new program because it promises to turn your physique into a "masterpiece" (according to Sigi - the Hammer of the program!).  With this program, you'll build muscle, endurance, power, agility, range of motion and you'll also keep strength through an added Power lifting component.  It's a 60 day program that is PERFECT for the new year, and I'm SOOO excited to get my hands on it!

What's more? For the month of December, every unit of Hammer and Chisel sold (whether it be a Challenge Pack or a Base Kit), $5 will be donated to the Upward Bound House - A charity which helps get families off the streets and back on their feet within a years time!

If you would like more information on this amazing program, AND if you'd like to join me in the 21 Day Fix Extreme to get your body in shape to start Hammer and Chisel in January, then Contact Me TODAY! 


The past 5 years, my family and I make the drive to Philly the weekend before Thanksgiving to watch my Father run the half-marathon. This is a before picture from last year when I decided to run the 8K which took place that same weekend as a challenge for myself. This picture is me finishing that race -- 40lbs heavier than I am now. This year, I'M running the half marathon with my uncle while my father and family cheer me on. And, i can't WAIT for that after picture!

As I prepare for our road trip tonight, I've planned some healthy options to take along with me...because, well...goals!

Ever notice how when you travel, you always feel out of sorts? LIke, you have an upset stomach, or you're extra tired and lacking energy.  But, I thought more about why that might be, and realized that while traveling, because our normal daily routine is thrown off, that messes with our bodies equilibrium.

For me, I tend to fall off the band wagon with drinking plenty of water, and eating enough vegetables. I get plenty of fruit, carbs and protein, but always feel cleaner and less bloated when I eat a balanced diet throughout the day, so I planned ahead for our upcoming road trip!

Here are some of the things that I plan to bring with me for the trip, so that I can eat clean and stay on track!

Shakeology (obviously!)
I bought an inexpensive single serving Ninja blender that I can easily pack and bring along with me so that I wouldn't miss a day of this supershake! If there is any time that I would absolutely need Shakeology in my life, it's while I'm traveling and lacking some of the normal nutrients that I would typically get in a day. I plan to start each morning out with Shakeology like I normally do, to ensure that I'm getting all of the vitamins, minerals and energy that I need! It will also help to keep me regular :)

Fruit, especially kinds with a natural casing like Bananas or oranges, are perfect to take along with you on road trips! I packed a few for the road, but also peeled and froze some to add to my shakeology in the mornings! Not a necessary step, but I like my shakes that way!

Steamed Broccoli
I was struggling with ideas on what to bring along with me for veggie options. Someone had suggested that I try V8, but since V8 is not something I've introduced to my diet before, I didn't want to risk it this weekend...especially with my first half marathon. So, I chose broccoli as one option! Some can handle raw broccoli, but for some reason I get TERRIBLE runners stomach when I eat it this way, so I steamed a couple bags of frozen broccoli, portioned them out with my green container, and I'll have them as snacks along the way.  Not really an ideal snack, but my goal is to stay fueled properly, without resorting to bad options, so I can deal with the weirdness of snacking on steamed broccoli for the weekend!

Red Pepper Strips
I had some red peppers in the fridge, so I sliced them up, portioned them out, and they make a great snack for on the go!

Hard Boiled Eggs
Hard boiled eggs are a GREAT source of protein while on the go. I boil water, add the eggs and boil for about 10 minutes, then drain the hot water, add cold water and ice to the pan to quickly cool them down. Once cooled, I pre-peel them so they are easy to grab while driving.

Raw nuts, like Almonds or walnuts, are a great source of fat and nutrient dense calories while on the road! Pair them with a piece of fruit, and they help to balance out the sugar spike that fruit provides, giving you long lasting energy between meals!

Sweet Potatoes
Yes, I know, a little out of the ordinary, but I need to make sure that I'm eating the right kinds of carbs while fueling for the half. I had three sweet potatoes that needed to be cooked, so I peeled them, cubed them, then steamed them.  Once they were done, and cooled, I portioned them out using my Yellow container. I'll most likely pair sweet potatoes with the broccoli and perhaps two hard boiled eggs as a lunch.

Planning ahead for your trips can mean the difference of staying on track all weekend OR making a poor choice at a truck stop. For me, I thought of my goals and how I want to finish this round of the 21 Day Fix with my accountability group strong, so I'm willing to sacrifice some of the taste while on the road for the proper fuel that my body needs.  

My next accountability group starts on November 30th! If you, or someone you know would like to join me after the Thanksgiving holiday to get back on track with your nutrition and fitness, then Contact me today! Together, we can stay on track before the next major Holiday, and WOW our family.

Who's with me?
You guys!! It's official...I am in SURVIVAL MODE this Holiday season when it comes to my nutrition and fitness.  I don't know about you, but this is a time of year where I used to make excuses as to why I didn't have time to workout...or the money to eat healthy.  You know what I've learned? That ish isn't going to fly this year!  I've discovered, first hand, that if you have a strong desire to do ANYTHING you set your mind to, then you'll 100% find a way to accomplish it. When you're not feeling motivated, you'll find EXCUSES instead, and your ultimate goals will be pushed further and further away.  

Here is what I have learned throughout my weight loss journey. Here are some characteristics that I gained while going through my weight loss journey, and that are essential to successful weight loss: 

1. A STRONG "why!"!  You can't just sorta kinda want to change, you have to REALLY WANT TO CHANGE!  Once the excitement of a new program wears off, what is going to keep you going? Finding that internal motivation to keep pushing you towards your goal is so important, and a strong WHY to get you there is KEY!

2. You have to be COMMITTED. Success come from those who are committed to their WHY! They are willing to do whatever it takes to be successful, and no matter what barriers come their way, they DO NO QUIT! They are committed to starting and finishing the fitness program exactly as it is laid out and they will evaluate and tweak their program as they go. Either way, once they are in, they are ALL IN!

3. You have to BELIEVE in yourself! If you believe and have faith in yourself, then you will be successful. You have to believe that, without a shadow of a doubt, somehow, some way, you will be successful at losing weight.You'll run into a series of trials, errors and triumphs before you find what works for your body the best. Those that have faith, and believe in the process and that I won't lead you astray, succeed. When we start to doubt what we are doing, like: "Its not working fast enough", or, "My progress is TOO slow, or "I NEED MORE cardio" and then start going off and changing things on our own, then we set ourselves up for failure. So, believe in the program - don't second guess it! They were created by experts -- by PEOPLE who BELIEVE in YOU!

4. Successful people follow the nutrition plan put in place. Yes, I know this is easier said than done, but it's the TRUTH! The people who have the MOST success are those that truly follow the nutrition plan laid out in the program. If you aim to eat 80% of the time according to your plan you will get results. If you track your food in a journal, you track your water intake, you allow yourself 1 or 2 treats per week you will make great steady and healthy progress! You can have your cake and eat it too!

This holiday season, i am making it my mission to keep you ACCOUNTABLE & MOTIVATED to continue your health and fitness journey. Start laying out the groundwork before the New Year, and end 2015 better than you started! We'll call it a "reverse" New Years Resolution!

We start November 30th 2015!!!

If you want in, complete this form below, and I'll be in touch with how to get started!

Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

Having the strength physically and MENTALLY to train for a half marathon...Something I NEVER thought I would do.

For the past few years in November, my family would make a six hour drive (sometimes a quick flight) to Philadelphia to watch my father run the half marathon.  It's become quite the tradition, and each year someone in my family is inspired to run along, too.  My sister joined in one year, then my aunt, and now this Uncle and I. 

Each year that I would go, I would feel envy towards the runners and my father (and whoever else joined him that year). I would tell myself..."next year, I'll run"...but it would never happen.  I'm not quite sure what it was that I was afraid of...I mean, I used to run all of the time and loved it! But, since then, I had gained a significant amount of weight, had a child, gained more weight, and the idea of running that far was hard to wrap my head around.

By the time I had signed up as a Beachbody coach, and started the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology, I had also picked up running again.  I would run a few miles here and there, sign up for a few 5Ks, and then eventually became more ambitious and signed up for a couple of 10Ks. 

One day, I received an email - "Sign up for the Philadelphia Half Marathon, and get the Early Bird rate! Nearly 50% off!" 

Without even thinking about it, I signed up, called my dad, recruited my uncle and sister, and before I knew it I was officially registered to run my first half marathon. When I first signed up, I was SO excited. It was euphoric, even. But then, reality hit...I just signed up to run a half marathon...

I felt overwhelmed about what I had just done, but I had to keep my head on straight.  I had remember that excited feeling I had upon signing up, and go with it. I had to remember WHY I signed up in the first place - for that personal challenge.

Here are some tips on how I was able to keep a positive attitude throughout my training, and how I kept my mind in that initial state of excitement throughout the entire process:

1. Baby Steps

Building up to 13 miles doesn't just happen in a day, and if it did, we wouldn't sign up to run a half marathon in the first place...especially if we signed up for that personal challenge! So, take baby steps in your approach to getting to your goal day, one hour, one step at a time. Focus on TODAY, and not too far down the road.  Why? Say you get out there and have a bad run (which is going to happen)...that bad run will make you feel discouraged, and could hurt your mindset. But, if you brush off that bad run, you can pick up the next run with a better mindset.

2. Break your run up mentally into bite sized pieces

I use this mentality a lot on my long runs, because that high number can feel really scary - I need to run HOW MANY miles today??? I didn't really start doing this until I hit 9 or more miles, but once I hit 10, 11, 12 miles, the thought of running that far became scary for me until I just got out there and did it.

This idea of breaking your run up into parts is an idea I got from a friend.  If a 10 mile run seems overwhelming, think of it as running two 5 mile runs. It will feel more manageable for you.

3. Take the work "quit", and remove it from your vocabulary!

Easier said than done, I know, but if you remove that terrible word from your mind altogether, you're less likely to actually quit!  Training for a race, for me, is so much more than just that physical's mental.  Set the expectation from the very beginning that quitting is NOT an option for you. Make sure your family and friends know that, too. They can (and will) hold you to it!

4. If others can do can YOU!

Keep this perspective on your mind as you're training.  Remember that there are thousands of others, just like you, and maybe some with more limitations than you, who have trained for, and completed a half marathon. If they can do it, why not you?

If you have any questions about my training regimen, please contact me. I'd love to share!

Over the past couple of weeks, my emotions have been on overdrive, and I couldn't figure out why.  Then, it hit me! This little guy is turning two in a little over a week! Where has the time gone, and can I please have some of it back?

Life moves so fast, and it seems to have sped up since our son came into our world. Ever feel that way? We all seem to go about our days on autopilot, and sometimes forget to take a second to just reflect - What have we done in the past year or two that we are proud of? What could we have done better? Would we have handled certain situations differently, or are we satisfied?

Looking back at this past year, I am amazed at how much I've accomplished, and how much has happened.  In the beginning, I was stuck in a hard place. I was frustrated at how hard {i though} I was working to lose weight, and reach my ultimate weight loss goal, but NOT seeing any results.

Incorporating the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology into my life was a game changer, a mood changer, and an overall life changer for me. I'm sure without it, I would have still lost the weight that I had, but knowing myself I'd be taking the long way around it all.  21 Day Fix simplified eating right for me, and changed my mindset about food all together. I don't worry, stress, or fear weight gain anymore if I have a piece of pizza, or chocolate (all foods which used to get me into trouble).

At first, I looked at the 21 Day Fix as just another diet plan. It's so far from that. It's a lifestyle change.

If you're anything like me, and need that lifestyle change, and need that healthy relationship with food, then join me in my journey! Together, we can live healthfully, and happily :)
Brings me warmth...

Piyo warm's up my body so I can put back in what running takes out...flexibility!

My love affair with Piyo started after I had my son two year ago. I had a C-Section, and was 100lbs overweight. Needless to say, my core lacked strength, flexibility, and alignment. I had a hard time getting up out of chairs, bed, the floor, in and out of cars...just moving in general! I was extremely eager to start working out as soon as I got the "all clear" from my doctor, but I was also extremely nervous to go back to a gym - I was embarrassed at how much weight I had gained, and how weak I was.

I had purchased T25 prior to my pregnancy, and thought that I could jump right back into that program once I was cleared to start working out again.  The problem was, because of the condition my body was in - more weight, lack of core strength, flexibility, etc - my body was NOT responding well, and I could barely get through five minutes of the workout (even with modifications). I was stuck. Aside from the fact that I really didn't have time to go to the gym with a newborn, I REALLY didn't want to go to the gym and bump into people that I knew. I didn't want them to see how much weight I had gained, and was embarrassed.

I started walking with my son, but I really needed more than that. I needed strength, flexibility, and more mobility in my hips. I needed to correct my posture - carrying all of that extra weight had really pulled my neck and shoulders forward, and it made me feel "frumpy".

Right around this time, I saw a post about a new program launching that month called "Piyo". It was a program that promised increased strength and flexibility through movements which combined both Yoga and Pilates together.  Now, the old me would have moved past that program and onto something a little more intense.  I wasn't really into Yoga, and had never tried Pilates before, but because the program seemed to offer everything that I  needed in that moment in time, I bought it, and hoped for the best.

Turns out, Piyo was the best thing that I could have done for myself. At first, I modified everything. I was extremely inflexible, and weak through my core. My wrists were sore from holding myself up, and the lack of strength that my arms and shoulders had. But, after a couple of weeks, I started to notice a real difference in how my body felt. First, I noticed that my wrist pain went away - a sign that I was getting stronger. Then, I noticed my posture improving, and my core was getting stronger.  I was also losing weight, and overall feeling so much better.

After going through one full round of Piyo, I finally felt strong enough to take on more intense, high impact workouts like, T25, and Insanity. I also started slowly getting back into running again. I put Piyo off to the side to tackle these other programs, but would sprinkle a Piyo workout in here and there.

A year after starting Piyo, and incorporating other Beachbody programs into my routine, I finally added Shakeology and the 21 Day Fix, because my weight had come to a stand still, and I still had about 50 more lbs to lose.  By this time, I was also running regularly, and had signed up for a few 10K races. I started the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology in March, and by July, I had lost 30lbs!

It was then that I decided to sign up for a half marathon in November! The 21 Day Fix, because it incorporates weight training, was a great supplement to my running. However, with the high impact of running, and the importance of maintaining flexibility to stay injury free, I decided to start Piyo again. Piyo has been an essential component to my half marathon training. It has kept me injury free, flexible, and strong.

I love what Piyo has done for me.  From a new mom, with lots of weight lose, but no core strength, to a runner who needs that flexibility and cross training component, Piyo is truly my soulmate program!

If you're a new mom, a runner, someone looking to lose weight, someone looking to improve flexibility, someone looking to improve core strength and posture, a women, a man...a human...Piyo is for you.

If you'd like to give Piyo a try, connect with me and I'll help you get started! It's a life changing experience!


These colorful little containers have changed my life, and helped me to nourish my body the RIGHT way, with the RIGHT portion sizes, and the PERFECT balance of foods!

I think about all the time and money I spent on gym memberships, diet pills, expensive supplements, weight loss books, online coaching programs, pricey ingredients promising better's almost sickening!

This is the #1 program I recommend to my challengers because I've seen the results over and over again!

- It's simple.
- It's smart.
- It's doable (for everyone).
- It's worth it.
- You are worth it.

I'm looking for THREE ladies who are ready to commit to this program with me and join me for just 21 days!

When you start this program with me and commit you are getting:

- The meal plan system
- DVD & direct/immediate online access to your at home workouts that target every single body part and incorporate amazing interval workouts that burn fat
- 1 entire month of a superfood shake that curbs hunger and reduces cravings!

✳As a BONUS...the 3 ladies to COMMIT within the next 24 hours, get the brand new Fixate cookbook (TONS of 21 Day Fix approved recipes) AND a chance to win a pair of LuLaRoe Leggings!

You have nothing but inches to lose and confidence to gain this Holiday season! I guarantee it will happen in 21 days! If it doesn't, money back promise! Who's with me!?

Contact me, and we can chat! The first THREE to commit in 24 hours are in! I'm only working with 3 new ladies for the next 21 days so don't miss out!

Just an ordinary day - Pushing play early and distracting my child with Disney Jr!

The thought of working out at home, for some us, can be hard to wrap our brain's around. There are so many excuses out there, like: I'm too tired, or I have too many chores to get done, or my personal kids won't let me!

I love this excuse the most, because let's be honest here! We are the adults. If anything, we shouldn't let our children dictate whether or not we get to take 30 minutes out of our day for ourselves. Sounds harsh, I know, but it's the honest truth!

When our babies are newbies, they nap a lot, right? That's a window of opportunity, right off the bat, to squeeze in a workout. The dishes and laundry can wait. You may need to be flexible some days, because let's face it, our schedules are not always on point every single day with a newborn, but that's ok! Not to mention, you'd be surprised what a 30 minute workout can do for your energy level when you're sleep deprived, and lacking the motivation! I can't even tell you how many times I'd workout while my son napped, then have the energy to quickly knock some things off of my "To do" list until he wakes up, and takes back my attention.

As our children grow, and naps throughout the day become rarer, we start to feel as if a workout is less likely to happen during the day. But, there are still plenty of opportunities to find that time...we just have to be creative, and set boundaries with our children so that they understand that WE need time for ourselves, too.  If we don't get that time to invest in ourselves, we could risk turning into scary "Mombies", and that's not good for anyone, is it?

So, how do we set boundaries, and distract our children so that we can fit in a quick workout? Here are some things that have worked for me:

1. Wake up early
This is easier said than done, but you CAN train yourself to get up earlier than the rest of the house to get your workout in.  Start small by getting up early 2-3 times during the week. Then, gradually add a day.

You could also try setting your alarm clock about 15-20 minutes early each week until you've trained yourself to get up about an hour earlier. Plenty of time to squeeze in your 30 minute workout, AND get a few things done around the house before everyone wakes up.

2. Get your children involved
Even if your child isn't crawling yet, or they are old enough to walk around and become easily distracted. Start having them join you for your workouts! Make it a game. If your child is not yet walking, lay them on their tummy on a blanket by where you're working out, and have them practice tummy time while you're squeezing your workout in. Do your planks or pushups over them, and give them kisses as you drop down to engage them. Hold them in your arms as weights when you're squatting and lunging.

My son is almost two, so he's constantly distracted by EVERYTHING that comes across his sight.  But, he has his very own yoga mat, and sometimes likes to join in with me during my workouts.  If he's not up to joining in, I have zero guilt about putting on Disney Jr for a half hour while I squeeze in my workout.  Laying out puzzles, books, or setting him up with his favorite toys are also great distractions.

3. Be flexible...
Getting our children involved, or distracting them with other things while you workout will not ALWAYS go as planned. I've had days where a 30 minute workout would turn into a 60 minute workout because I had to press pause a few times to get my son some juice, or find him a new book or puzzle to look at.

I've had workouts where my son would demand my attention, and depending on what the circumstances were, I would either have to give it to him OR remind him that this is "Mommy's Time", and that we'll focus on whatever it is that he needs or wants when I'm done.  Children can be just as flexible, if not more flexible, as we can be, so nine times out of ten, they will hear you when you tell them that it's time for them to play while you do!

What I've found with my son is that at first when I started incorporating workouts at home, it was difficult. He didn't quite get it, and would cry for my attention constantly.  It took some patience to work through that, and now he just gets it. He knows what exercise is, and he recognizes that when the Yoga Mat and weights come out, it's time for him to play with his toys or join in with Mommy.

4. Recruit some help
If you're making a real, honest effort to start working out and eat healthier, it's really important to let your husband or significant other in on your goals. If you have an idea as to what your workout schedule should look like, share it with your husband so that he can help with the kids during that time if need be.  Let him know that you'll be getting up earlier (if that's the time you choose), so that if the kids wake up during, he can coax them back to bed, or get up with them. TEAMWORK!

5. Leave your excuses at the door!
Excuses will not get your to your goal. We need to be bigger than them. Each day will not be perfect, and we'll need to work through barriers along the way, but omitting the "I can'ts", and the "I don't have time" excuses from your vocabulary is half the battle!  Focus on positive affirmations, keep an open mind, be flexible, and do the work...NO EXCUSE!

Work with me in one of my upcoming accountability groups, and start establishing a routine NOW! I can help you fit exercise into your schedule, and make it an ORDINARY part of yours, and your families day.

Are you with me?

I had my son almost 2 years ago. By March of this year, I was finally back to pre-pregnancy weight, but had a lot more work to do. I struggled to get there in the first place, but on top of that, my body had changed (things weren't falling the same way that they used to)...I was starting to worry that I would never get my body back, and almost gave up trying completely.

By March, I had tried so many diets in an attempt to lose more weight (my goal weight is 150lbs), but nothing was budging...and it sucked. I was slowly giving up, which meant I was starting to make poor choices again, and not caring. I was desperate, and felt like I was in it alone...

A friend posted about an accountability group she was running for the 21 day fix. I saw the results she and her husband were getting, and despite how skeptical I was about the whole program, I reached out, and joined in.

At first, I was a quiet observer...I didn't really participate much...still skeptical, but because I felt accountable to my friend, I stuck to the program, drank my nutrient dense shake everyday, and quickly started FEELING better. That feeling turned into noticing my pants fit better, and my skin was clearing up. Next thing I knew I was buying new pants nearly once a month! My attitude changed...I was happier, and carrying myself differently.

Fast forward to today, and I'm officially down 30 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight (85lbs in total since my son's birth). I took a leap of faith, trusted my friend, invested in myself, and I'm now only 15 lbs away from my ultimate goal weight!

This holiday season, I'm staying committed to the 21 Day fix, and focusing on the last 15. I'm looking for 3 women who want to join me! We will stay accountable to each other, motivate and encourage each other, and cheer each other on as we jump-start some big goals for 2016!

Who's with me? If YOU are, then CONTACT me today!
Looking Up...

Having the strength to put mind over matter, push through mental barriers, and moving forward with my goals even when I'm faced with road blocks along the way.

Weight loss is a byproduct of good nutrition. I've said this before. Good nutrition takes discipline, and requires you to take control of your mind and body. If you can do that, then you'll be able to practice good nutrition, motivate yourself to exercise daily, and in turn weight loss will happen.

Here are some common mental barriers that we face when starting an exercise and nutrition plan:

1. Lack of Motivation
Lacking motivation is one of the most common reasons why some have trouble starting and continuing with a fitness program. We can become unmotivated by a wide variety of things, like: a bad experience, a packed schedule, the feeling that you don't have time (or don't know how to find time), fear, not knowing where to start, or not connecting with the program that you've started.

So, how do we motivate ourselves?  Find a program that meets your own personal needs!

What I love about Beachbody programs are that there is literally something for everyone.  Are you looking to lose weight, but you've never exercised before, and you're not really sure what you should be eating OR where to even start? The 21 Day Fix is PERFECT for the beginner. It's also perfect for someone who has no trouble fitting in exercise, but they have trouble sticking to a healthy meal plan.

Are you looking to lose weight, but you HATE exercise? CIZE, one of Beachbody's newest programs, takes you through short dance routines. In the end, you'll be drenched in sweat, and not once will you feel like you just worked out...because it's SO MUCH FUN!

Looking to lose body fat, and sculpt your body? The 21 Day Fix Extreme, Body Beast, or the Master's Hammer and Chisel (Launching December 1st), are all great programs that can help you to build strength, lean out, and lose body fat.

These are just to name a few.

2. Wanting to Quit...
Similar to lack of motivation, we sometimes start a health and fitness routine with the best intentions, but in order to make it a lifestyle, we need to first make it a habit.  Creating a habit takes some time...but not as much time as you think! Research has shown that it only takes 21 days to create a habit.  But, even so, most of us want to see results right away, and when we realize that it takes some time and effort to start seeing results, we quit while we are ahead.

How can we combat wanting to quit while we are ahead?

Accountability groups were my saving grace! They are strategically 21 days to as much as 90 days long, so plenty of time to create a habit, and stick to it! Not only that, but these groups help with motivation as well!

3. Maintaining a healthy LIFESTYLE!
Ok, so you worked out for 30 minutes this morning. Go you!! But, what about the rest of your day? If you're getting in your workout, but then eating poorly or sitting around for the rest of your day, then what's the point?

This is where I got caught up when starting my health and fitness journey. I had no trouble fitting in the exercise, but slacked off with everything else.

The 21 Day Fix really helped me to reel in my unhealthy habits, and get on track with the RIGHT choices! Our programs, along with online support, make it so easy from the start!

If you or someone you know are looking to take control of your health and fitness, combat your lack of motivation, avoid losing momentum, and want to kickstart an overall healthy lifestyle, then let's chat!

Sign up for my next Challenge Group, and let me help you start "Looking Up" to a healthier version of you!

Wise Words...

"Trust is the key ingredient to miracles".

Part of my story is that I was a classic yo-yo dieter. Can anyone relate?

Exercise was never an issue for me, but when it came to food I always thought that I needed to be on some sort of diet in order to lose weight, and keep it off.  I couldn't have been more wrong.  I would find the latest trend in weight loss diets, spend hours making a meal plan for the following week, spend way too much  money on ingredients (let alone the actual program), and then way too much time preparing everything.  Then, I'd follow the plan all week, feel totally deprived, and in turn lacked the motivation to do it all over again for the following week.  This led to me overeating on the weekends, then to guilt, and then to feeling like I was back at square one...

By the time I learned about the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology from a friend and upline coach, I was 100lbs overweight, and I was so over trying another trendy diet, that I almost didn't even do it.  I had heard of the program and meal replacement before, and I will be the first to admit that I was skeptical. I even made fun of it - calling it another trend, a way to make money, a gimmick.  But, I was desperate. I was so ready to make a change, and after seeing the results that my friend was getting, I went for it.  I trusted that she wouldn't try and sell me something that didn't actually work, and I trusted that she was simply sharing with me something that worked for her, and that she knew would work for me.

I mean, I had tried everything else at that point, and was totally desperate to lose my baby weight (and then some).

Today, I'm officially 85lbs lighter since the birth of my son, and I've completely transformed how I eat.  My diet is no longer a "diet", it's just simply a balanced way of eating.  It's simple, and doesn't require hours of planning or prepping ahead of time. Shakeology is convenient, and the container system for the 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme beyond simple. In fact, I don't even have to rely on them as much, because I've gotten used to exactly what and how much I should be eating each day.

On top of this healthier way of eating, and outlook, the daily workouts are only 30 minutes. So, instead of spending hours in the gym (something I always thought I needed to do), I get a quick, effective workout in the comfort of my own home. No commute back and forth to a gym. No thinking about what workout I'm going to do that day. And, more time with my son!

The 21 Day Fix is by far one of my soulmate programs (alongside Piyo), and I'm so fortunate to have finally found something that doesn't consume my life!

If you think that the 21 Day Fix might be something that could change your lifestyle, CONTACT ME! I can help get you plugged into an accountability group to help keep you on track, and I can help make it fit for your own lifestyle.

...always super hectic. Always on the go.  I'm so thankful for Sunday mornings when I can just cuddle on the couch for a bit with this little guy before we get our day started.

Anyone else have a hard time staying on track over the weekends?

Weekends had always been my downfall. I tended to pack Saturday's with chores, errands, and a long list of "to dos".  Sunday's would entail food shopping and more chores, so that I would forget to take care of myself along the way.  I had no meals planned specifically for the weekend, so I'd forget to eat; and when I finally remembered, I was so hungry that I'd grab anything fast just to satisfy. All of my hard work during the week down the drain...

When I started the 21 Day Fix, I found that I was staying on track better over the weekend, and I was getting up earlier in the day to workout and have my Shakeology. Starting my day off on the right foot helped me to stay on track throughout the day, and before I knew it, I was much more aware of my choices on the weekends.

Now, if I go out to eat with the family, or go away for the weekend, I can enjoy myself and the foods that I love, but I don't overindulge like I used to.

Here are some tips that I use to stay on track over the weekend:

1. Get up early, and workout! Yes, we ALL like to sleep in on the weekends, but look at it this way...if you sleep in, then you have less time in the day to get things done, which means that you'll put exercise on the backburner, and most likely breakfast - two things that really set the stage for your day. So, get up and push play early!

2. Eat a healthy breakfast! After you push play, follow it up with a healthy, balanced breakfast. I always start my day with Shakeology, because it gives my body all of the nutrients and energy that I need to push through the day...especially a busy weekend day!

3. Drink PLENTY of water! It can be VERY hard to remember to drink enough water during the day, especially on the weekend.  Invest in a good water bottle that you can carry with you throughout the day, and aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces.  Drinking water helps to keep your energy up, helps to curb your appetite and keep you full, and it does wonders for your complexion!

4. Bring healthy snacks with you! If you're always on the go like me, then pack healthy snacks to bring along with you while you're out running errands.  This way, you won't get caught stopping at a drive through for a quick fix.  Fruit is great because they are easily transportable. Pair an apple up with a handful of almonds for a quick boost of energy! Or, how about some string cheese with a piece of fruit.  Hard boiled eggs, and red pepper strips are a "go to" snack of mine!

5. Take a break every now and then! Do not run yourself ragged on the weekends. Yes, weekends are great for getting things done that we can't during the week, but they are also meant for resting after a busy work week! So, plan some time in your day for you! Read a book for 20 minutes. Take a quick 15 minute nap (you'd be surprised how rejuvenated you'll feel after). Take your kids to the park and play with them (not really a rest, but it's fun!).

Keep these tips in mind as we head into a busy holiday season! Our weekends will soon be filled with gift shopping, and holiday parties. So, why not focus on a little TLC for ourselves so that we can keep up with our long "to do" lists?

This Holiday season, let me help you to stay on track with the 21 Day Fix! My team is running a second accountability group in December, and it will be the perfect way to stay on track with your health and fitness goals, and to stay stress free over a busy holiday season!

To join, complete this form below:

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The little things...

...those small, insignificant moments that cultivate life long memories.

Saturday mornings can get a little hectic in our household...mostly because it's the only time in the week where we can actually pick up around the house, get laundry done, and then get out the door to run errands or whatever else the day brings. This morning was really no different.

I always try to squeeze in an early morning workout before my son wakes up, but he's been battling a nasty cough, and was up early with me. Instead of throwing in the towel, I decided to workout anyways (21 Day Fix Extreme - Dirty 30), and if he needed me, I'd just have to go with the flow. I set him up with Disney Jr (lifesaver!), and got to it! I had to press pause a couple of times to help him get a snack, some water, his favorite toy out of the toy box he couldn't get to, etc. But in the end, I got in a workout and was ready to tackle my day. He even joined in for a round of squats!

This weekend is my husbands weekend off, so he almost always stirs up some fun plan for the day by the time he gets home from the gym. Sure enough, we were headed to Fun World, and arcade in Nashua! We have never been, but this was a treat because we were meeting up with his uncle and cousins! The arcade was about an hour away, so what's a road trip without a treat?

Starbucks Latte, please! This is not on plan for 21 Day Fix, but that's ok. Why? The 21 Day Fix is all about finding balance in your life, and your diet. Lattes were a daily thing for me back when I had unhealthy habits, but now that I've learned to balance everything out, they are an every once in a while treat, and I no longer feel guilty after having one.

Fun world was a BLAST! I wriggled through the playground tunnels, and down twisty slides and laughed just as hard as my son's and nieces did when we tripped our way through the ball pit. The entire time I was so thankful that I had the energy to keep up with them, but more than that, that I could actually fit through the tiny spaces in the first place! The old me would not have been able to do that...

I love this life that I have created for myself and my family, and the small little moments which transform into lifelong memories!


The support that I get from my husband, and family to do the things that I love to do, and share the things I love to do with others.

Starting a healthy journey is NOT easy, by any means. There are several factors that go into it; starting with you WANTING to start in the first place! You need to have goals and a clear plan of action. But, on top of that, you need to have the support of others around you - Your husband, your family, your friends, co-workers, strangers even!

When I first started my journey, my husband was supportive, but skeptical. You see, I've gone down this road before. He wanted me to be happy and healthy, but knew that in the past I tended to fall off track easily.  Also, he was worried that me wanting to eat a certain way meant that he would also have to give up things he loved to eat.

He is a meat and potatoes kind of guy, and I get that. He'll eat vegetables, but would rather a big piece of steak and french fries instead. As much as I would love for him to go on this healthy journey with me, it's not something I can force (you have to want it), and it's NOT his's mine.

So, how do I make it work? Fortunately, because I follow the 21 Day Fix principles I can eat a lot of the same foods that my husband likes, with small modifications.  I've made dinners like Beef Enchiladas, and Shepherd's Pie that are 21 Day Fix AND family approved! I've made stuffed bell peppers, steak with sweet potatoes and a vegetable, or pizza and was able to stay on plan.  And, because this is an 80/20 lifestyle (80% on plan, 20% wiggle room), I can have that glass of wine or enjoy an appetizer if we go out to dinner.

What I realized was that although at first he was skeptical, he quickly realized that this was a plan, nine times out of ten, that worked for him, too! And secretly, this is a win for me, because he has made a few healthy changes himself!

If you have any questions about how I make this lifestyle work with the 21 Day Fix, and for my family, get in touch with me!


"Fall is a season for balancing light and dark, letting go, and accepting the impermanence of things." - Unknown

Do you ever notice how you change throughout the seasons? For some of us, our energy level change; our mood, our motivation, and even the way we carry ourselves, can change.

Fall is a time for letting go and releasing things that have been a burden.  It's the time to practice getting out of our own way, and focusing on bettering ourselves before the new year. It is the season to let go of excuses and guilt, and start living lives that are full of things that we love; things that fill our hearts with gratitude and happiness. Isn't that what the Holiday season is all about?

I've finally gotten around to reading The Fringe Hours, by Jessica N. Turner, and I'm learning about ways that I can make more time for myself in the cracks of my day, on top of my non-negotiable responsibilities.

As I was reading last night, it got me thinking about how we, ourselves, can move through various seasons in our lives.  A personal example is how much I've changed as a person since becoming a mom.  As new moms, our priorities shift. We are natural nurturers, people pleasers, and we are constantly taking care of everything for everyone else. We quickly forget about one {VERY} important thing! Ourselves!

This season, I encourage you to start letting go of your excuses. You DO have time to workout. You DO have time to eat healthy. You DO have time to read that book that's been collecting dust. You DO have time to create some of those Pinterest crafts you've been dreaming about starting! You DO have time for your own self-care. Not only do you have DESERVE it!

Start finding that balance between the tasks that are "musts', and those that can "wait". Then, realize that priorities change as we change, and be open to that.

Not sure where to start? I started with my health and fitness, and from there, I've continued to make small, incremental changes along the way. So, let me help you! I'd love to share with you what has worked for me, and help you to create your own life by design. The outcome is SO rewarding.

P.S. I may, or may not be planning an accountability group specifically around The Fringe Hours! Would you be interested in learning how to make more time for yourself? If so, Email Me! We can read the book together.
Daily ritual...

My morning cup of coffee.

Is coffee an integral part of your day? For me it is...and not because I NEED it to get through the day, but I love the idea of coffee...the ritual behind it.  From the moment it starts brewing, the aroma, the feeling of the hot cup in your hands, the first hot sip and the last cool one. Flavors emerging and blooming throughout the cup.

For me, coffee is best enjoyed black...but I'll have the occasional urge to add a little something more to it, like a splash of cream or some almond milk.  No sugar needed...(I'm sweet enough)!

I've also blended some leftover coffee into my morning superfood shake for that extra kick of energy! Beats a Starbuck's Frappucino ANY day!

My favorite day of the week to enjoy a hot cup of goodness? Sunday, of course! There's something about holding a cup of coffee in your hands, outside, on a cool Fall morning! (In my LuLaRoe leggings)

How do you best enjoy your coffee?

Something new...

These leggings from LuLaRoe, and how they make me feel as I move through each Piyo pose...strong and energized!

Ever notice how new cloths make you feel when they fit right and serve their purpose? I reconnected with a friend of mine from highschool who just so happens to be a personal shopper for LuLaRoe, so I bought a few pairs thinking they would be the perfect thing for my Piyo workouts...I was SO right! These leggings come in crazy patterns and colors, which I love! They are light, soft and OH SO comfortable! They offer mobility, so as I move through each exercise I feel strong and flexible.

If you haven't heard of LuLaRoe before, then I highly recommend that you check them out! They are a clothing company based out of California. Only 1,000 prints are made for each item of clothing, so they are practically one of a kind! They are incredibly well made, durable, and insanely comfortable! My favorite part? They don't over-stretch like some leggings do, so as you're moving through each Piyo pose they aren't see through!

Want a pair?

I'll be raffling off a FREE pair of LuLaRoe leggings at the end of this month!

How can you enter?

Join one of my upcoming accountability groups, and get entered to win! Just fill out the form below!

You can also check out LuLaRoe on Facebook with my friend Stephanie, and snag a pair (or two, OR five!)!! You won't be disappointed.

Fill out my online form.
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I can...

Still manage to find the energy for a celebratory jump after an 11 mile run!

Today in our Gratitude Fix challenge, we share a photo for the prompt, "I can...", and this was how I interpreted it.

So often we focus on the negative. Things we can't do. Things we can't control. We doubt ourselves constantly! But, what if we could just get ourselves to switch gears, and focus on what we CAN do instead!!

Would you think I'm crazy if I told you that before this picture was taken, I kept saying {out loud} "I can't jump right now! My legs are tired. I'm tired. I won't be able to jump very high! I can't do this..." But, what are sisters for!? She pushed me to "I can", and before I knew it I was jumping {several times} until we got the perfect shot...LOL!

We laughed the entire time.

So, instead of focusing on the negative...instead of doubting ourselves and our abilities, focus on positive affirmations!

In fact, pick a few and say them, OUT LOUD to yourself daily.  You might laugh it off, but the physical ACT of verbalizing them makes them more tangible in the universe. Sounds create waves of energy in the air, and that's how we hear them.  You are, when you use and SAY affirmations out loud to yourself, quite literally creating're making them happen! I know it seems cheesy, and you might feel a little silly the first fews times, but trust me on this one! Say them, out loud, with authority, and you'll start to feel that shift from negative doubts, to positive "I cans"!

Don't believe me? Try it! Here are some positive affirmations that you can start saying out loud today!

- I love and approve of myself.
- I trust myself.
- I am unique.
- I matter, and what I have to offer this world also matters.
- I forgive myself for all of the mistakes I have made.
- I let go of my anger so I can see clearly.
- I am worth it.
- I trust myself to make the best decision for me.
- I am beautiful, and smart, and that's how everyone sees me!
- I never know what amazing incredible person I will meet next.
- I am doing work that I enjoy and find fulfilling.
- I engage in work that impacts this world positively.
- I believe in my ability to change the world with the work that I do.
- This day brings me nothing but joy.
- Today will be a gorgeous day to remember.
- I choose to fully participate in my day.
- I am safe and sound. All is well.
- All my problems have a solution.
- I wake up every day with a smile because I know I have something to be thankful for.
- I am more than good enough, and I get better every day.
- I am in charge of how I feel, and today I am choosing happiness.
- I accept myself.

What are some other positive affirmations that you can say to uplift you every single day?

Hello November!

November is an exciting month, because I'll be running my first half marathon. I started my training in August, and have been amazed at how focused I've been, and how far I've come.

I've utilized so many of the tools that I've been given through coaching, easy to follow fitness programs, and nutrition plans, and feel stronger and faster than ever.

Piyo helps me to stay injury free, flexible, and strong. It has been the perfect cross training program paired with my run training. My time per mile has actually improved by 30 sec since starting my training! 

21 Day Fix and Shakeology, together, help me to stay on point with my nutrition, and keeps my energy up for those long runs. I never feel deprived, malnourished, or dehydrated.

On top of my half marathon, tomorrow I'll be joining my team in a 21 Day Gratitude Fix. There are almost 300 members in our group, coaches and challengers alike, all in it for one goal! To hold ourselves accountable to our health and fitness goals this Holiday Season, while celebrating all that November brings: Gratitude!

We'll be following the 21 Day Fix, and checking in with a daily gratitude photo prompt to prove our accountability!

If YOU want to join in, it's not too late! The 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme will remain on sale this November...only $10 when you get your 30 Day supply of Shakeology! Not a bad deal if I do say so myself!

Is dancing more your thing? Or, perhaps working out, without actually working out? Haha. If so, the CIZE is also on sale this month for the same price! Dance your way through November, with a similar nutrition plan as 21 Day Fix :) 

I'm so ready to see what November brings!

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