"How do you do it ALL!?"

I am a full time working Mom who has managed to get rid of her baby weight, find time for workouts, eating right, family time and working as a Beachbody Coach. Not a week goes by that I don't get this question. And, the answer is: "I don't do it ALL!" In fact, no women does. We are all so caught up with comparing ourselves with other mom's, but the reality of it is that we are ALL hot messes! Some of us just hide it well. 

I have piles of laundry to fold, dirty dishes to wash, sticky floors, undone hair, sometimes no makeup -- I DON'T do it all. 

With the overwhelming responsibilities that come along with being a full time working mom, it’s often easy to put ourselves on the back burner and just focus on the rest of the family.  I was (and sometimes still can be) guilty of that. I work 40 hours a week. Commute an hour and a half each way (on a good day). I come home in the evening to full time Mom/Wife duties, and had weeks where I felt like I was running myself into the ground (sometimes, I still do!)

I was exhausted, burnt out and miserable.  I had no time for myself.  My attitude at work was suffering, my attitude at home was suffering and I was fed up.  Something needed to change.

So I took a REAL look at our life, my priorities, my schedule, and I came up with a plan (with my husbands support), to start working on me.

First I knew I needed to get moving!  I tried so many times to get into a workout routine once I got the "OK" after Brayden was born. I tried getting to the gym...but with a long commute, and all of my other responsibilities, I just couldn't make it work. I also couldn't justify spending the $20/month on something I was using only sometimes.  I grew increasingly more frustrated with every failed attempt at staying on track.  I would do really well one week, and then the next fall off the wagon. It was exhausting...

Second, I HAD to clean up my diet. I had gained some weight BEFORE my pregnancy, and then topped it off with an additional 50lbs by the end of my pregnancy. By then, I had about 100lbs that I needed to lose, and I knew I wasn't getting it off just by exercising!

Third, I needed support.  I love my husband dearly, but more often than not, we enabled each other.  He would pull out some chips or snickers bars by the time we were settled in for the night, and I'd try and try to resist...but couldn't.  A stressful day at work would derail me, and he would come home with some treats to cheer me up.  So I needed to find another support system to help keep me accountable.

I needed a plan...
A friend of mine invited me to one of her challenge groups, which at first, I quite honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into, but I was desperate! I enrolled with the 21 Day Fix, and I committed to the 21 day Challenge of working out, clean eating, drinking Shakeology and daily check-ins in a Facebook group!

I got up early, pushed play, and found that it gave me more energy to tackle the rest of my "to dos" throughout the day.

I needed a goal...
As a new mom, I was facing all of the typical insecurities. I had lost so much confidence, and wanted my body back. I felt like my husband wasn't attracted to me anymore (which wasn't the case), but no one should ever have to feel that way! I just wanted to finally be comfortable in my own skin and confident enough to wear cloths that felt good to wear! Or maybe even one day...a bikini! And, 21 Days? That's nothing!

Here’s a typical day for me:


  • Alarm goes off (I DON'T want to get up, but...#GOALS!)
  • Brush my teeth
  • Drink some water
  • Pick out my Work Cloths
  • Put ON my workout cloths, and PUSH PLAY!
  • Catch up with my Challenge Groups, check emails, answer messages.
  • Shower, and get ready for work.
  • Make Shakeology, and grab my lunch!


  • Make the long commute to work, with Shakeology in hand! (Best morning pick me up EVER!)

  • Work, work, work!

  • Mid-morning Snack

  • Lunch - Catch up on personal development, answer messages, check in with challengers.

  • Work, work, work!

  • Make the long commute home!

  • Pick up Brayden from Daycare


  • Cook Dinner
  • Keep Brayden occupied!
  • Eat Dinner
  • Clean up from Dinner
  • Bathtime
  • Storytime
  • Bedtime for Brayden!

  • Hangout with hubby!


  • Check in with my challengers, check emails, answer messages.

  • Bedtime!

As you can see, there’s not a dull moment in my day!  For me, I just had to make sure that I was open to trying different schedules to find one that worked; open to spending time on the weekends prepping food for the week so clean eating during the week was a no-brainer; open to being OK if you temporarily get derailed and using your support system to help keep you on track; open to letting other people help you (this is a big one for me) and open to letting go.  Getting my priorities in check helped to lose 85lbs, regain my confidence, be happier and feel more fulfilled, and I embrace every single day!

My days are still very inconsistent and there are some days where I want to throw in the towel. But remember, each day is a new day!  So what if you go to bed with a sink full of dishes, toys everywhere and three loads of laundry to be folded?!?!  It will be there for you to tackle tomorrow! 

I'm so happy to say that the 21 Day Fix has helped me get closer to my goal weight! I'm 30lbs lighter than my pre-baby weight with only about 10-15 left to go! My self confidence is so much better, my attitude at home is immensely improved (even though I still work on the going to bed with a mess issue), I am fitting into cloths that I absolutely LOVE! And, I just take it one day at a time and am open to whatever is in store for me each day. Embrace the challenge and be open to growth.

I would love to hear your daily challenges, struggles, goals and also your successes!  I may be able to help with some of your challenges, others may be over my head.  But I think it’s so important to have a supportive community around you to share these struggles and goals and to be able to celebrate your sprouts of success.  

Join me in one of my upcoming challenge groups, or learn more about what I do as a Beachbody coach, and how I can help you achiever your personal goals!
My husband has been asking if we can have Sloppy Joes for dinner for a while now...but what he's referring to, is the canned stuff.  I just can't do it! BUT what I can do, is make it myself! Haha!

I'm all for comfort food, especially as we head into the colder weather, but I'm not willing to sacrifice all of my hard work for even just one meal! And, to be honest? Food just tastes better homemade, am I right?

I adapted this recipe from Fixate's Cookbook by Autumn Calabrese. The original recipe called for Ground Turkey, but I knew my husband would turn his nose up to that, so I had to make a sacrifice somewhere!  I also served my husbands and sons in a more "traditional" fashion, and slopped the stuff between a burger bun! I enjoyed mine without the carbs, but it was just as tasty!

Servings: 4

1 tsp Olive Oil
1 Red Pepper, chopped
1 Medium Onion, chopped
2 Cloves Garlic, chopped
1 lb Lean ground beef (I used 93% lean)
1 1/2 Cup Homemade Tomato Sauce
3 Tbsp Tomato Paste
1 Tbsp Raw Honey
1 tsp Worcestershire Sauce
Himalayan Sea Salt
Ground Black Pepper
1 tsp Hot Pepper Sauce

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
Add the Red Pepper and Onion, and saute, stirring occasionally for about 6-8 minutes.
Add the Garlic, and saute another minute or two.
Place the Onion mixture into a medium bowl and set off the the side.
Cook the ground beef in the same skillet for about 8-10 minutes, breaking up into small bits.
Once cooked through, add the onion mixture, tomato sauce, tomato paste, worcestershire sauce, honey, hot pepper sauce, salt and pepper, and stir well.
Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium low and simmer for about 15-20 minutes.

You can serve the sloppy joes over a slice of Ezekiel bread, in a sprouted grain tortilla, over zoodles, over whole wheat pasta, or over spaghetti squash (the options are endless!)


I couldn't WAIT to make this pizza tonight. Partly because I love pizza, but also because I was excited to finally use the tomato sauce I made! I adapted this pizza from the Fixate Cookbook by Autumn Calabrese, but,  because I needed more protein today, I added some shredded chicken, and it really completed the entire meal!

Below is how I made my pizza, but feel free to get creative with your topping choices! I like to make sure I have a vegetable, healthy fats, and protein, but the sky is the limit!

Another favorite of mine is good old fashioned Tomato, Basil and Mozzarella pizza!

Servings: 1 pizza

1 Sprouted Grain Tortilla (You could also use 1/8 of Whole Wheat Pizza Dough, OR 1 Lavash Flatbread)
1/4 Cup Homemade Tomato Sauce
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tsp Olive Oil
Himalayan Sea Salt
Chopped Broccoli
Sliced Mushrooms
Shredded Chicken
2 Tbsp Mozzarella Cheese
2 Tbsp Parmesan Cheese

Preheat the oven to 400.
Spray a pizza pan with some cooking spray (lightly). Place your Tortilla on the pan, and drizzle olive oil over it. Add the Tomato Sauce and evenly spread around the tortilla. Top with Garlic, Broccoli and Mushrooms, and chicken. Sprinkle a little bit of Himalayan sea salt around, and then finish with the cheese!

Bake for about 10-15 minutes, or until the tortilla is toasted, and the cheese is melted.

Cut into 4 slices, and enjoy!!!

How would you top your pizza?

I'm SO excited about this challenge that my team is doing for November.

We are combining the 21 Day Fix with a Gratitude Photo Challenge (and giveaway!) and we'll be doing a very short (but sweet) 21 day wellness challenge!

We'll stay accountable to each other, while also keeping our minds focused on the true meaning for November's celebrations - giving thanks!

The challenge starts November 2nd, and will end just before the holiday so you can enjoy that time with your families!

If you want to join me, fill out the form below, or connect with me on Facebook, and I'll get you plugged in!
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I don't always make my own pasta sauce, but I have moments where I get in the mood...yesterday I had one of those moments.

When I was creating my meal plan for the week, I realized that I had a couple of dinners which required pasta sauce. So, as usual, I add "Pasta Sauce" to my grocery list, and move on. There's always that thought in my head, though, saying "Just make your own, already!"

Well, as I was walking down the pasta aisle at the food store, I was scoping out the different Pasta Sauce options and spotted a couple cans of San Marzano tomatoes. I've been looking for this kind everywhere, and for some reason whenever I have the itch to make my own pasta sauce, I give up because I just don't want to bother without San Marzanos! haha.

San Marzano tomatoes are comparable to Roma tomatoes, but are thinner and more pointed. The flesh is thicker, and they have fewer seeds. But, the reason why I love them so much? Their taste is stronger, sweeter and less acidic. Many chefs recommend that these tomatoes be used when making tomato sauces, because the outcome is delicious! Naturally, I grabbed a few cans, and decided then an there that I was going to whip up a batch of tomato sauce for the week!!

So, I poured myself a glass of red wine, and got started!


2 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped finely
4 clove's garlic, minced
1, 6oz can low sodium, low sugar tomato paste
1/4 Cup Red Wine (plus a little extra for yourself to enjoy!)
2, 28oz cans San Marzanos peeled tomatoes, chopped in food processor
2 tbsp raw honey
1 tsp Himalayan Sea salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
3oz Parmsan cheese
2 tbsp chopped basil


Heat the olive oil in a saucepan on medium-high heat.  Add the onions,  and saute for about 5-6 minutes. 
Add garlic and saute another couple minutes. 
Add the tomato paste, and saute for 2-3 minutes while stirring constantly.
Add the red win, and stir constantly for another couple minutes. 
Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper aND honey.  Let it come to a boil,  then turn down to low heat and let simmer for another 3-5 minutes.  
Add the parmesan cheese, and simmer for an hour,  stirring occasionally
Add basil, stir in, and ENJOY!

You can also store in a Mason Jar for later, or in a tupperware container to freeze any extras.

Stay tuned for more recipes using this DELICIOUS tomato sauce!

Would you believe it if I told you I was embarrassed to post this transformation photo? I mean why? I have no reason to be...it's an incredible change, and I was 1 month post partum...so what am I so worried about?

Looking back now, I wish I had known then what I know today. That, with goals and the right mindset,  I CAN get my body back, and feel good in my skin. If only I had the patience then, I wouldn't have gone through such an incredible struggle with anxiety and low self-confidence. I was so desperately focused on losing the weight that I was stressing myself out, and creating unnecesary anxiety, which wasn't helping.

It seems silly to think that a shake and a nutrition/fitness program could help me to change all that...but they did. Not only did the 21 Day Fix and and Shakeology help me to lose 85lbs, but the community that I have become apart of because of these programs, and through becoming a coach,  had a huge hand in my transformation.

So now,  here I am,  sharing my story... and inviting you to join me so you can start yours!

Visit the Work with Me page, and learn more about how I can help you in your transformation!
I finally started The Fringe Hours, by Jessica N. Turner.  It's a book written to inspire you to fit your passions and hobbies into the cracks of the day, without feeling the guilt of neglecting your family, or chores that need to be done around the house. The book provides insights on how to maximize the time that you have, and how to become a better mother, wife and friend as a result.

Normally, I try to squeeze in a 30 minute workout on my lunch break, but I was able to get a 4 mile run in this morning and, well, my body needed the break. I don't know why, but I feel like I need to constantly be doing something. As if I can't shut my mind off...perhaps why I picked up this book in the first place. I've been lugging it around in my bag for a few weeks now, and just never found the time to pick it up...how funny?? How do you find the time to read a book about making time, anyways?

I managed to get through the first 28 pages, and already I know that this book is up my alley. The first paragraph hooked me:

"Wake up, Dress and feed the kids. Barely get makeup on. Leave. Drop the kids off at school. Stop at the bank. Work, work, work. Fill the gas tank. Pick up the kids and rush home. Prepare dinner as quickly as possible to avoid the cries for snacks.  Baths. Stories. Bedtime. Clean up the kitchen. Chat with my husband. Fill out that permission slip. Respond to email. Fall into bed."

I'd say, that pretty much sums it up.

I started thinking about my weekly responsibilities - Wake up before the sun. Drink my superfood shake. Check in with my challenge group, respond to a couple of messages, reply to some emails, then hit the road before the traffic. Push play (workout). Get ready for work. Work, work, work. Make the long commute home, pick up from day care and rush home. Prepare dinner for him, then dinner for me and my husband (sometimes 3 different dinners!). Bathtime. Clean up the kitchen. Story time. Bedtime. Hang out with my husband. Catch up on emails. Catch up with my challenge groups. Read some personal development. Crash for the night.

(My little man watching nursery rhymes in the kitchen while mama cooks dinner)

And, that's all just in a day. That doesn't include off plan things, like food shopping, cleaning the house, laundry, a quick trip to Target (says no one ever), fitting in my long half-marathon training runs (coming up in a month), meal planning, meal prepping...the list goes on.

Fortunately, I've been lucky enough to have found a way to fit exercise and clean eating into my lifestyle, withOUT the guilt. How?

Well, for starters, before I became a Beachbody coach, and started drinking Shakeology, I skipped breakfast most days OR I'd pick up a breakfast sandwich and a coffee at the drivethrough.  I didn't feel like I had the time to make breakfast every day, and couldn't wrap my head around prepping anything ahead of time. When I discovered Shakeology, not only was convenient and fast for me to blend up in the morning, but it packs a nutritional punch, giving me the energy to take on the day.

Secondly, I follow the 21 Day Fix nutrition program.  With an easy container system, and simple plan, it takes all of the guess work out of eating healthy while I'm running through my day.  Between Shakeology, and a balanced diet, my energy is high, I never feel sluggish, and I get ish done!

Lastly, Beachbody's workout programs - like the 21 Day Fix, Piyo, CIZE, T25, etc. - offer workouts that are between 25 - 45 minutes! They are completely manageable, and can be done in the comfort of your own home! So, no travel to and from the gym, no need to buy fancy schmancy workout cloths - workout in your underwear if you want! Who cares? You're at home!  Having these workouts at my fingertips allows me to squeeze in a workout every single day, without taking away too much time.

Having all of these tools at my disposal allows me to leave my excuses at the door.

If you're looking to start fitting health and fitness into the "fringe hours" of your day, then let's connect! I can help you come up with a plan of action that WILL work for your schedule. Trust me, it's possible!

Fill out the form below to enroll in my next Challenge Group, and start making more time for you!

PROMO: The 21 Day Fix is only $10 this month ONLY when you buy a 30 Day Supply of Shakeology! Get your fix TODAY. and join me!

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I love the Fall, and everything about it. It's colors, smells, pumpkin spice everything...and I love Fall inspired foods!  They are hearty, flavorful, and warm. All things that we crave as the days get colder.

Since starting the 21 Day Fix, I tend to gravitate towards simple, easy to prepare meals, so while at the grocery store this week I spotted some beautiful Acorn Squash with my name written all over them!

Acorn Squash is a winter squash with a green, hard outer shell, and a sweet yellow-orange inner flesh. It's a hearty, nutrient dense vegetable that is full of Vitamins, Minerals and antioxidants.

I've prepared Acorn squash a couple of different ways in the past, one being stuffed with a sausage and sage stuffing, but last night I decided to roast it, and pair it up with some baked chicken! Super simple, and delicious!

Servings: 2 (Half of one Acorn Squash)
21 Day Fix: 3 1/2 Green

1 Acorn Squash, Halved and seeded
2 tsp Olive Oil OR Grass Fed Butter
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Nutmeg
Himalayan Sea Salt and Black Pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
Spray a 9x12 Baking Pan with Cooking Spray
Cut the Acorn Squash in half, and scoop out the seeds with a spoon
Place the acorn squash cut side down in the pan, and bake in the over for about 35 minutes, or until toasted.
Turn the acorn squash so that the cut side is facing up.
Put 1 tsp of either the grass fed butter or olive oil over the top.
Sprinkle Cinnamon on top, then Nutmeg, salt and pepper
Put back in the oven for another 15-20 minutes
Let cool, and enjoy!

I paired my acorn squash along with chicken that I baked, and topped with homemade salsa that I had prepped earlier in the week!

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With my wedding come and gone, I fell off track with my weight loss. In the weeks before my wedding, I had gone through a full round of 21 Day Fix Extreme, and followed the Countdown to Competition plan. For those not familiar with this program, it is a very strict, very disciplined program that you should really only follow for special occasions (in my personal opinion). I had a very good reason to follow it, and had some amazing results! I felt great!!
I'll admit, though, it was really nice to take a little break from following such a strict program, but I didn't really plan it right, and in turn gained some weight back. I had to get back on track!

Fortunately, I have the 21 Day Fix handy to dial  myself back into a more realistic way of eating...something I should have done right off the bat! You see, the 21 Day Fix follows what we call an 80/20 rule.  You stay on plan 80% of the time, but are allowed some forgiveness each week if you are going to fall off track.  It's a more realistic way to live, right? I mean, think of the weekends as the best example! A majority of us connect with friends and family on the weekends, and it's typically revolved around food and drinking. So, if you stick to the plan all day on Saturday, for example, then head out on the town Saturday night for some burgers and micro-brews, you can get right back on track Sunday without feeling the guilt. Works for me!

The 21 Day Fix Extreme is designed for you to stick to the plan 100% of the time, with no wiggle room for forgiveness. The workouts are also geared towards really leaning up, and getting you ready for that big event. So, you can see the difference between the two!

In my opinion, having both plans handy is a god-send. I can follow the 21 Day Fix most of the time, and then jump into 21 Day Fix Extreme when I have a big event coming up. Perfect!

I digress....

Let me jump back to when I realized I needed to get my butt back in gear post wedding...I recommitted to the 21 Day Fix a week ago, and I'm already feeling the wonderful effects! I'm down 4lbs, and really seeing my body change again. Last week was a slow transition back into my love affair with the program, but this week (week 2), I'm all in!

I created my meal plan for the week, and got to work yesterday with meal prepping so that I was ready to go today without a hitch. I'll share throughout the week some of the meals/recipes I prepped, starting with some homemade, 21 Day Fix Approved Pasta Sauce, because I'm SUPER excited about them!

In the meantime, here's my Week 2 Meal Plan!

My team will be running a 2 part 21 Day challenge over the Holiday Season.The first will begin on Monday, November 2nd, and the second will begin on Monday, November 30th. We will follow the 21 Day Fix, and check in with a daily photo of gratitude to hold ourselves accountable!

If you'd like more information about our upcoming challenge (or any future challenges), complete the application below!

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Do you have an INSURANCE plan?

No, not car or life insurance.. . I'm talking about an insurance plan for your body?!
We are coming up on the most tempting time of year - Halloween candy, pecan pie, your grandmother's peanut butter balls, lattes, desserts...you name it!

While yes, it's totally human and OK to indulge and splurge, the average American gains 15 pounds over the next three months....want to know why? They don't have a PLAN!

SO, what do you do? You have to RE-COMMIT to a full program with guidelines, workouts, and calendars to take the stress out of avoiding temptation and staying on track!

Me? I recommit to MY insurance plan - the 21 day fix. Why? Because ITS EASY, clear cut , not crazy, 30 minutes a day in my own home, no gym, and it STILL lets me live my life! Now that's my kind of insurance plan!

Everyone knows the most important checks you write are to the insurance company in case anything goes wrong SO DON'T FORGET to safeguard yourself and YOUR BODY smile emoticon the most important part!

So, what is your plan?!?

Fill out the form below to join my next challenge group, and insure YOU'RE body this Holiday season!
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I love making Egg Muffins for the week, because they are quick, easy, delicious and versatile! You can really make them however you like!

I have mine as a mid-day snack, and either put them over sprouted grain bread or top them with Homemade Salsa - something I just recently discovered and LOVE!

These gems also freeze really well, so you can make a large batch at the beginning of the week, portion them out into baggies, freeze them, and grab them as you need them! I reheat mine in the microwave for a minute or two.

I adapted my egg muffins from Autumn Calabrese's Fixate cookbook, but added a thing or two with my favorite filling.

Servings: 6 (2 muffins/serving)
21 Day Fix Container Count: 1 Red

12 Eggs, scrambled well
1 JalapeƱo pepper, seeded and chopped finely
1 cup mushrooms,  chopped
1 Red Bell Pepper, chopped finely
2 green onions, chopped finely
Himalayan Sea Salt and Black Pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 375°F, and spray a 12 tin muffin pan with cooking spray - set aside.

Combine all ingredients, and mix well.

Divide the mixture up amongst the 12 muffin cups, and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Let cool, then carefully remove from the muffin pan, and portion 2 egg muffins into a baggie at a time. Freeze.

To reheat:
Place in microwave for 1-2 minus.
Top with homemade salsa,  or put over sprouted grain bread with a quarter sliced avocado!

What's your favorite Egg Muffin variation?
After recommitting to the 21 Day Fix, here are my week 1 results! Down 4lbs this week!

I don't know about you, but when it comes to the Holiday's I tend to put my health and fitness on the backburner...NOT this year! I've come up with a solid plan to keep myself on track between now and the end of the year. But, I couldn't possibly keep it to myself, so I want to share it with YOU!

I will be running two shortened 21 Day challenges between November 2nd, through The end of the year...PLUS one bonus 3 Day challenge to kickstart our new year, and I want YOU to join me! 

But first, I want to let you all off the hook. I know how hard it can be to stress out about weight loss, and the entire process behind it. I know how stressful the holiday season can be. So, I want you to put all of your weight loss goals on the back burner these last couple of months! YOU HEARD ME! I don't want you to even step on a scale until the end of the year! I want you to simply join me in these 2 short challenge groups, and set a goal to maintain your weight throughout the Holidays. Take the pressure off, while at the same time staying mindful. 

Here's the best part...if you join me, follow the program, do the workouts  and check into the groups each day, then not only will you maintain your weight, but you WILL lose the weight by the time you step back on the scale at the end of the year! 

So, here it is! Your Holiday Push:

The first Challenge will be all about Gratitude. We will give you a new photo prompt each day of something you're thankful for, and you'll post it to the group as your accountability! This first group will run from Monday, November 2nd - Sunday, November 22nd. 

You'll have a week off for Thanksgiving to re-group, and then we will get started again on Monday, November 30th - Sunday, December 20th. Decembers theme is TBD! 

You'll have a week off for Christmas, and then I'll be running a BONUS challenge group using the 3 Day Refresh. A great way to give yourself a clean break, and to kickstart the New Year towards your weight loss goals! 

So, who's in?

To join the Holiday Push Email me, or connect with me on Facebook and follow my journey!

I can't remember a time where I liked having my picture taken. In fact, I would avoid pictures as often as possible, and hide behind anyone I could in group photos. For my first mother's day, we received a generous gift from my parents to have family photos done, but I was petrified. I can remember that day, and how frustrated I was that I didn't have cloths that fit me, or that were nice enough for a family photo shoot. I can remember crying, and eventually just not caring what I looked like as time ran out. I can remember getting the finished product, and finding only a couple that I {sort of} liked. It was hard to justify purchasing these photos, because I had such a hard time seeing myself in them...needless to say, I didn't share them with anyone buy my family...
Fast forward to about 6 or 7 months ago, when it came time to choose a photographer for our wedding, I was still feeling a little scarred from my last photo shoot...I avoided finding a photographer like the plague, and tried to find every excuse why we didn't need one. But, due to popular demand, we hired one anyway.  Between hiring, and the big day, I happened to have made a big transformation. Not only in my weight loss journey, but emotionally, too. For the first time ever I didn't feel as nervous about the photo shoot as I had in the past. 
My transformation is far from just physical. I have overcome so many hurdles over the past few years. I had confidence issues, self esteem issues, and was extremely hard on myself.
Coaching has helped me to overcome a lot of my insecurities. I've connected with so many inspiring women, focused more on myself and being happy, and I've started making real connections with others looking to start their healthy journeys. For the first time ever, I feel like I'm beginning to inspire others, and that feels just as incredible as my own weight loss journey!
If you want to connect with others the way I have, make new friends, and connect with the old, then join my team and start creating your own inspirational journey! This is an opportunity to write your own story, then pay it forward to others. It's amazing!
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