RECIPE HIGHLIGHT: Homemade Pasta Sauce

I don't always make my own pasta sauce, but I have moments where I get in the mood...yesterday I had one of those moments.

When I was creating my meal plan for the week, I realized that I had a couple of dinners which required pasta sauce. So, as usual, I add "Pasta Sauce" to my grocery list, and move on. There's always that thought in my head, though, saying "Just make your own, already!"

Well, as I was walking down the pasta aisle at the food store, I was scoping out the different Pasta Sauce options and spotted a couple cans of San Marzano tomatoes. I've been looking for this kind everywhere, and for some reason whenever I have the itch to make my own pasta sauce, I give up because I just don't want to bother without San Marzanos! haha.

San Marzano tomatoes are comparable to Roma tomatoes, but are thinner and more pointed. The flesh is thicker, and they have fewer seeds. But, the reason why I love them so much? Their taste is stronger, sweeter and less acidic. Many chefs recommend that these tomatoes be used when making tomato sauces, because the outcome is delicious! Naturally, I grabbed a few cans, and decided then an there that I was going to whip up a batch of tomato sauce for the week!!

So, I poured myself a glass of red wine, and got started!


2 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped finely
4 clove's garlic, minced
1, 6oz can low sodium, low sugar tomato paste
1/4 Cup Red Wine (plus a little extra for yourself to enjoy!)
2, 28oz cans San Marzanos peeled tomatoes, chopped in food processor
2 tbsp raw honey
1 tsp Himalayan Sea salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
3oz Parmsan cheese
2 tbsp chopped basil


Heat the olive oil in a saucepan on medium-high heat.  Add the onions,  and saute for about 5-6 minutes. 
Add garlic and saute another couple minutes. 
Add the tomato paste, and saute for 2-3 minutes while stirring constantly.
Add the red win, and stir constantly for another couple minutes. 
Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper aND honey.  Let it come to a boil,  then turn down to low heat and let simmer for another 3-5 minutes.  
Add the parmesan cheese, and simmer for an hour,  stirring occasionally
Add basil, stir in, and ENJOY!

You can also store in a Mason Jar for later, or in a tupperware container to freeze any extras.

Stay tuned for more recipes using this DELICIOUS tomato sauce!

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