Holiday Push!

After recommitting to the 21 Day Fix, here are my week 1 results! Down 4lbs this week!

I don't know about you, but when it comes to the Holiday's I tend to put my health and fitness on the backburner...NOT this year! I've come up with a solid plan to keep myself on track between now and the end of the year. But, I couldn't possibly keep it to myself, so I want to share it with YOU!

I will be running two shortened 21 Day challenges between November 2nd, through The end of the year...PLUS one bonus 3 Day challenge to kickstart our new year, and I want YOU to join me! 

But first, I want to let you all off the hook. I know how hard it can be to stress out about weight loss, and the entire process behind it. I know how stressful the holiday season can be. So, I want you to put all of your weight loss goals on the back burner these last couple of months! YOU HEARD ME! I don't want you to even step on a scale until the end of the year! I want you to simply join me in these 2 short challenge groups, and set a goal to maintain your weight throughout the Holidays. Take the pressure off, while at the same time staying mindful. 

Here's the best part...if you join me, follow the program, do the workouts  and check into the groups each day, then not only will you maintain your weight, but you WILL lose the weight by the time you step back on the scale at the end of the year! 

So, here it is! Your Holiday Push:

The first Challenge will be all about Gratitude. We will give you a new photo prompt each day of something you're thankful for, and you'll post it to the group as your accountability! This first group will run from Monday, November 2nd - Sunday, November 22nd. 

You'll have a week off for Thanksgiving to re-group, and then we will get started again on Monday, November 30th - Sunday, December 20th. Decembers theme is TBD! 

You'll have a week off for Christmas, and then I'll be running a BONUS challenge group using the 3 Day Refresh. A great way to give yourself a clean break, and to kickstart the New Year towards your weight loss goals! 

So, who's in?

To join the Holiday Push Email me, or connect with me on Facebook and follow my journey!

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