Making Time for You

I finally started The Fringe Hours, by Jessica N. Turner.  It's a book written to inspire you to fit your passions and hobbies into the cracks of the day, without feeling the guilt of neglecting your family, or chores that need to be done around the house. The book provides insights on how to maximize the time that you have, and how to become a better mother, wife and friend as a result.

Normally, I try to squeeze in a 30 minute workout on my lunch break, but I was able to get a 4 mile run in this morning and, well, my body needed the break. I don't know why, but I feel like I need to constantly be doing something. As if I can't shut my mind off...perhaps why I picked up this book in the first place. I've been lugging it around in my bag for a few weeks now, and just never found the time to pick it funny?? How do you find the time to read a book about making time, anyways?

I managed to get through the first 28 pages, and already I know that this book is up my alley. The first paragraph hooked me:

"Wake up, Dress and feed the kids. Barely get makeup on. Leave. Drop the kids off at school. Stop at the bank. Work, work, work. Fill the gas tank. Pick up the kids and rush home. Prepare dinner as quickly as possible to avoid the cries for snacks.  Baths. Stories. Bedtime. Clean up the kitchen. Chat with my husband. Fill out that permission slip. Respond to email. Fall into bed."

I'd say, that pretty much sums it up.

I started thinking about my weekly responsibilities - Wake up before the sun. Drink my superfood shake. Check in with my challenge group, respond to a couple of messages, reply to some emails, then hit the road before the traffic. Push play (workout). Get ready for work. Work, work, work. Make the long commute home, pick up from day care and rush home. Prepare dinner for him, then dinner for me and my husband (sometimes 3 different dinners!). Bathtime. Clean up the kitchen. Story time. Bedtime. Hang out with my husband. Catch up on emails. Catch up with my challenge groups. Read some personal development. Crash for the night.

(My little man watching nursery rhymes in the kitchen while mama cooks dinner)

And, that's all just in a day. That doesn't include off plan things, like food shopping, cleaning the house, laundry, a quick trip to Target (says no one ever), fitting in my long half-marathon training runs (coming up in a month), meal planning, meal prepping...the list goes on.

Fortunately, I've been lucky enough to have found a way to fit exercise and clean eating into my lifestyle, withOUT the guilt. How?

Well, for starters, before I became a Beachbody coach, and started drinking Shakeology, I skipped breakfast most days OR I'd pick up a breakfast sandwich and a coffee at the drivethrough.  I didn't feel like I had the time to make breakfast every day, and couldn't wrap my head around prepping anything ahead of time. When I discovered Shakeology, not only was convenient and fast for me to blend up in the morning, but it packs a nutritional punch, giving me the energy to take on the day.

Secondly, I follow the 21 Day Fix nutrition program.  With an easy container system, and simple plan, it takes all of the guess work out of eating healthy while I'm running through my day.  Between Shakeology, and a balanced diet, my energy is high, I never feel sluggish, and I get ish done!

Lastly, Beachbody's workout programs - like the 21 Day Fix, Piyo, CIZE, T25, etc. - offer workouts that are between 25 - 45 minutes! They are completely manageable, and can be done in the comfort of your own home! So, no travel to and from the gym, no need to buy fancy schmancy workout cloths - workout in your underwear if you want! Who cares? You're at home!  Having these workouts at my fingertips allows me to squeeze in a workout every single day, without taking away too much time.

Having all of these tools at my disposal allows me to leave my excuses at the door.

If you're looking to start fitting health and fitness into the "fringe hours" of your day, then let's connect! I can help you come up with a plan of action that WILL work for your schedule. Trust me, it's possible!

Fill out the form below to enroll in my next Challenge Group, and start making more time for you!

PROMO: The 21 Day Fix is only $10 this month ONLY when you buy a 30 Day Supply of Shakeology! Get your fix TODAY. and join me!

Fill out my online form.
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