The Holiday Fix: Glow...

That post workout glow...

Day 2 of the Holiday Fix, and I'm FEELING IT from Plyo Extreme, and now Upper Body Extreme.  I'm looking forward to Pilates tomorrow, but I know I won't be off the hook completely.

Aside from the soreness, my nutrition has been on point, and I'm already down 5lbs! NOW, keep in mind that I tend to carry water weight extremely easily, so when I start eating clean again (NO cheats), my body responds well to that. Now that I've "de-bloated" from Thanksgiving week, I'll begin to steadily lose weight over the course of this 21 day round. But, I'm well on my way to my 10lb weight loss goal by Christmas!! Woo!

Isn't it amazing how a workout can change your entire outlook of your day? I'm an early riser, and I like to get my workout in first thing before I start my day. It clears my mind, and I can check it off my "To Do" list as one less thing that I need to get done.

I don't know about you, but I like variety with my workouts, which is why I love Beachbody programs so much.  I'm particularly drawn to the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme because I can commit to a program for a short three weeks, take a week off if I wanted, and then jump right back on board for another 21 Days. It's simple, quick, effective, and I achieve SO much in just three weeks!

If you're looking for a quick fix, and an overall lifestyle change, then join me in my December accountability group - The Holiday Fix!

Contact me to get started!

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