~~Let's get REAL for a second here...and maybe a little deep~~

This is me from over a year ago (Left), and then the me today. (WOW have things changed in just a year!!)

A year ago, I was desperately  trying to feel comfortable again in my own body after having a baby.  I was happy, but self conscious, and absolutely HATED my picture being taken. I lacked confidence, and was insecure. So much so, that it affected my relationships...not only with myself, but with my family.

Today, although not perfect by any means, I'm more confident, happier, and finally feeling like myself again.  I smile more, laugh more, and share more about myself with others without worrying what they might think.  People are noticing, and it feels good!  I'm able to focus on my family rather than worrying about the scale not moving fast enough, or how uncomfortable I feel in what used to be my favorite pair of jeans.

I know what you're thinking...it's just a workout program and a shake. How has it been so life changing for her? But it HAS been. And, maybe are sick of hearing about it...I'm ok with that. But, this new found me wants to help others feel more confident in their skin, and to find a more positive outlook on life.
Beachbody programs (like 21 Day Fix and Piyo) paired with Shakeology have given me so much more than a smaller number on the scale and looser fitting cloths, it has given me confidence, motivation, and a more positive attitude towards life.  I show up better for my family, and more importantly, I show up BETTER FOR MYSELF!

:::21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme are on sale for only ONE MORE DAY ($10 with Shakeology) and has been since June, so this opportunity won't be available again for a while. I encourage you to make yourself a priority TODAY! Don't wait until it's too late! If you're ready NOW, then commit NOW!:::

I can't WAIT to hear from you, and get you started. Together, we'll push to be a better version of ourselves!
I woke up up this morning, and just kept hitting the snooze button.  I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to push play, I just wanted to sleep in!! I don't feel like this every day, but there are times where I debate with myself on what I need the most: rest or exercise. Fortunately, exercise (or more importantly, my health) wins every time.

So, how do I put mind over matter each and every day? I use affirmations.

Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation, which are often repeated, until they are impressed on the subconscious mind.  This process, pushes the subconscious mind to take action and to strive to make the positive statement come true.  When you learn how to use affirmations, you get a great tool for achieving success and for improving your life.

Here is me this morning after pushing play! Tired, and happy!

Imagine this: You signed up for a 10K race, and you're heading out for your first long run - 6 miles...oh, boy! You've never done 6 miles before, and you have your mind set on completing it just once before your race.  You're excited, and ready!

You get out there, and halfway through you start hitting a wall.  You're starting to feel discouraged, but there's only one way home!  So, you start talking to yourself..."Come on, you got this! You made it this far! Just 3 more miles! You can do anything you set your mind to!". Suddenly, you've put mind over matter, and you're settling into a steady pace again.

You keep talking yourself through it, and before you know it, you've hit 6 miles with a smile on your face. You did it! You knew you could! And, you used affirmations to get there without even realizing it!

What if you were to flip that scenario, and instead of pushing yourself through the run, you start saying to yourself, "I can't do this", or "I'm not cut out for this running thing".  Consequently, you lose ambition, motivation and faith, and you in turn bring about what you said to yourself.

To start using affirmations, pay attention to the words that you repeat in your mind.  Discover whether you are using negative statements, like: I can't do this, I'm too lazy, I'm not strong enough, I'm going to fail.  If you are, turn those negatives statements into positive ones, and repeat them constantly to help you focus your mind on your goal.

If you're trying to lose weight, and you feel discouraged or are having a bad day, remind yourself that you'll have days like this, and that you're strong enough to reach your goal. You just have to put your mind to it, and talk yourself through from start to finish, and beyond!  Easier said than done? If you repeat affirmations over and over again, then eventually your mind will learn to accept them - sort of like establishing a habit.

Start creating images of yourself reaching your goal, and how you'll feel when you do.  If you're goal is weight loss, picture yourself at your goal weight! I'll admit, I do this a lot. I picture myself standing in front of the mirror with this huge smile on my face saying, "I DID IT!!! And, I feel AMAZING!".

Whatever your goal is, whether it be to lose weight, eat healthy, or exercise more, start using affirmations today!  Start slow, catch yourself when you're thinking negatively, and change your thoughts around quickly!

What's your favorite affirmation?

It's not always easy to get your children to eat veggies, so one of my goals has been to be more creative with my toddlers meals. I've been meaning to try these broccoli cheddar tots, and he gobbled them up! I enjoyed a couple myself (guilt free). 

I paired them with homemade chicken nuggets using whole wheat bread bread crumbs and a little parmesan cheese, and added some mandarin oranges (which he loves)

The recipe is from skinnytaste.com: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2014/11/broccoli-and-cheese-tots.html?m=1

I portioned and froze the rest for meals later in the week!

When I first had my son I was the heaviest I've ever been in my life, and it showed...both physically, and emotionally.  I have a background in Exercise Science, and have always loved exercise, but the only place that really motivated me was the gym or a group fitness class...and, being a full time working mom with a long commute each day, the gym was out of the question.
(Here is me and my son at 6 months, and only about 30lbs lighter since his birth - I gained over 50lbs!!!)

I saw a post on Facebook from a friend, asking me to join a Challenge Group where I would virtually meet many others who, like me, were looking for weight loss, and an overall healthy change in their life. I joined....but man was I skeptical. I HATED the idea of working out at home, and completely did not believe that I could do it. But, I knew I needed to do something, and if that's what it would take, then I was willing to try anything at that point!

Upon joining, my ultimate goal was to be able to run again...like I used to. I wanted to get out there and run 10 miles like it was nothing, and that's what I set out to do.  I started with Piyo, which helped me to strengthen my core again, and my posture improved. I moved onto T25, which improved my muscle tone and my cardio level, then back to Piyo where I was stronger than the first time...then I jumped on the Shakeology bandwagon and partnered it with 21 Day Fix to clean up my diet.  My results soared!

Somewhere in there, I started running again, and although I'm not up to 10 miles (yet!), I can easily get through a 6 mile workout and feel like I could pump out a couple more.  On top of that, I've lost 75lbs (20 lbs less than I was before pregnancy!!) and feel healthier than ever!  I continue to drink my Shakeo every day, and follow along with the 21 Day Fix principles...which has become a lifestyle of it's own, and I'm loving it!
                                      My transformation...well....more like my work in progress :)

So that's my story...so far. I'm constantly growing each day, and have LOT'S more to share! Like, challenges I've faced along the way, to how I signed up for a 1/2 Marathon in November without really thinking (I tend to do that sometimes)...

Until next time!

In the short time that I've been a Beachbody Coach, I've had many people message me asking me about joining my upcoming Challenge Groups, and about Shakeology.  I get really excited when I get these messages, because it's my chance to share with people what I've been doing to be healthier and lose weight, but most importantly, I get the chance to perhaps help someone change their life for the better.  Now and then, though, someone will say, "I can't afford Shakeology.  Thanks for the information, but I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing".  I hear that, and I feel bad.

I feel bad because I know how they feel...I once felt that way.  I feel bad, because I know that this is a major barrier for them...it was once my barrier.  I feel bad, because they aren't yet aware that they CAN afford this opportunity, and they SHOULD...something I didn't know about at first.

The harsh reality is that if we don't invest in our health now, we'll pay later through co-pays, illness and medications.  Obesity related conditions such as, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancers are the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States (cdc.gov). Keyword being "preventable"! As in, we can control this. The moral of this story is that we can't afford to NOT be investing in our health.

So, how do we do this? Prioritize! We need to prioritize our health, our children's health and our families first and foremost. If you really want it, you'll make it work! 

How do we make it work?

1. Sit down and take an honest look at your finances - How much money do you spend each month on coffee, or going out to eat? How much money do you spend each month on cloths that (let's face it) you don't even like because they don't fit right, or you're not happy with your body? How much money do you spend on groceries each month, AND how much of your groceries were items that you probably could have done without? If you're going to commit to a Beachbody Program at home, do you need that gym membership anymore? What about things like Netflix? Unless you're using this service to get you through a treadmill workout, and not to sit on the couch all day catching up on Orange is the New Black, do you really need it?

2. Sign up for Shakeology Home Direct. This is an Autoship program which gets you Shakeology each month with free shipping vs. paying shipping for every one-time Shakeology purchase.

3. Become a Beachbody Coach for the discount.  When you sign up to become a Beachbody coach, some will be relieved to know that you DO NOT need to sell anything to your friends and family in order to do this.  Being a coach gets you exclusive benefits like 25% off of your Shakeology and any products that you purchase on Teambeachbody.com.  So, you end up saving about $30 per month on Shakeology. A GREAT way to save!

4. Become a Beachbody Coach, get the discount, and build a business!  If you chose to sign up to be a Beachbody Coach for the discount, you also have the chance to share Shakeology with friends and family!  And, when you share the opportunity with three of your friends or family, Shakeology is free for you! Even better!  And, trust me, once they see the results you'll get, they'll want in too!

5. You'll save money on groceries each week.  Shakeology is a meal replacement each day, and you won't want to buy processed junk food anymore once you've changed your diet for the better.  You also will not need to buy as much for breakfast of snacks, depending on which meal you're replacing. Since starting Shakeology, I've been saving an average of $30 per week on Groceries! That adds up!

So, you get the idea.  There are so many ways to afford Shakeology, and take control of your health.  I have lot's more tips to share...too many to list! So, if you have questions, or perhaps need more tips on how you can save then message me! That's what I'm here for.

Shakeology has literally changed my life. I feel less bloated each day. I never have cravings, and I feel energized.  My hair, skin and nails have improved, and I'm more motivated than ever to reach my goals. 

I hope to share this opportunity with you someday!

As full time, working mom of a busy one and a half year old, I have discovered that “me time” is at a premium.  I love my job, and am fortunate enough to have access to a beautiful place to work out at work, but like many, my workload isn't always conducive for sneaking in a midday workout at the gym that is long enough to feel like I’m getting results. My son, “The Mini-Athlete” is an early riser, and like most babies, he is back in bed pretty early – between 7:30 and 8. Gone are the days of having a gym membership, and I want to soak up every moment with my son before he’s asleep!  So, that leaves me with the question…when do working moms workout? 

Now, I know I'm not alone in this endeavor.  There are millions of other fitness enthusiasts out there who struggle with the responsibilities of motherhood and a full time job.  The one thing that we all have in common and the most important component that you need to succeed is to establish your frame of mind.  Working out must be a priority, and you have to want to succeed or you will fall off the band wagon almost as quickly as you got onto it!  With little extra time in your life, it’s easy to find excuses not to workout otherwise.  Here is some of the best advice that I can give, that has truly worked for me as I take on motherhood and a full time job:

Find what is convenient for you.

As a busy mom, try to pick a form of exercise that is the most convenient for you.  Whatever you choose may not necessarily be your favorite at first, but it should fit with the time that you have.  

I started Beachbody programs in order to add variety to my workouts, and because I knew they were short and that they WORK!  Exercising at home, at first, was not my favorite.  I would have much rather gone to the gym or taken a group fitness class, so it took some getting used to. But today, I can't see myself doing anything else! 

I've seen amazing results with programs like T25, Piyo, and 21 Day Fix, and, might I add, that these programs offers workouts that are 30 minutes or less!! With a busy schedule, it couldn't get much more perfect than that!  Now, I find my son joining in with me! He gets excited when I pull my yoga mat out...he's like my little cheering squad! And, let's be honest, not only am I doing this for myself, but for him too!

I eventually also took on running! Fortunately, walking and running workouts ARE great choices when you have a baby at home, because you can take them along with you!  When I found out I was pregnant, I did some research and found a jogging stroller that was light weight, and made for running.  Now, I can take him with me for a run after work, and we can spend quality time together while I get a great workout in!

My Dad, son and I after the Gillette Finish at the 50 10K!

Find Community.

For some working mom’s, going back to work after being gone on maternity leave can feel somewhat lonely at times.  You're establishing a new identity as a working mom, and trying to make it all work; between getting used to your new schedule, fitting in time for yourself, and deeply missing your child.  Becoming a part of a community who share common goals with you can help you get back on track, and help you to establish a workout routine that works for you.  This community does not necessarily have to be a group of other fit working moms, but perhaps other co-workers, friends, or social media groups who can support you in your endeavor.

Earlier I mentioned that I started using Beachbody programs because of how convenient they are for me.  Along with the programs, I had the opportunity to join a Challenge Group on Facebook, led by my Beachbody Coach.  Being apart of something like this gives you a sense that you're not alone in your efforts to reach your goals, and motivates you to work just as hard as everyone else!

How can you join one of my challenge groups in the future? Keep an eye out here and on facebook for invites to my monthly Challenge Groups, and YOU can find the same sense of community that I did for motivation! Check out some of the programs you can use in these groups HERE!! 

Establish a Schedule, but be flexible...

I crave schedules, and as a mother, I NEED a schedule.  Establishing a schedule was one of the best things I did for myself upon returning to work from maternity leave.  My first day back, I planned everything from my lunch and healthy snacks for the week, to when and where I was going to work out.  My first day back went off without a hitch!  I went to the gym bright and early for 6am, and walked on the treadmill for an hour (I wasn’t quite ready for running yet after my C-Section). Through trial and error, and a year and half later, I have established a schedule which works not only for me, but for my family, and most importantly, my son!  

It's also important to note that if you have a day where your schedule doesn’t go as planned, have a backup plan!  And, if it turns out that your back up plan falls through, forgive yourself if you can’t squeeze in a workout that day.  Know that there is always tomorrow, and make sure that nothing gets in your way!

Remember that you're important too.

As a working mom, it’s easy to feel as if you're being pulled in a million different directions.  We put our children and family before our own needs, and we try to do it all.  In actuality, we're forgetting the most important thing – finding time to take care of ourselves.  You will be a better mom, a better employee, co-worker, partner, and a better person if you focus on taking care of yourself first.  It seems contrary when there is dinner to be made, laundry to be folded, dishes to be washed, and work to be done, but there will always be more laundry, and more dishes.  There is only one YOU, so make yourself a priority!  
I made these Easy Beef Enchiladas from Skinnymom.com for dinner last night, and received two thumbs up from my better half!  When it comes to food, he can tend to have quite an opinion, so I try my best each night to choose meals that will not only satisfy him and my one and half year old, but that are 21 Day Fix approved.

Skinnymom.com is one of my FAVORITE sites for healthy meal ideas, and I use it often.  The recipes are already slimmed down for us, but because I truly believe in the principles of the 21 Day Fix, I try to "fixify" anything I can to fulfill my needs.  

First of all, I'm all about convenience, but I try to make as much as I can from scratch, so I make my own Enchilada sauce instead of buying canned.  If you're a meal prepper (like me), then you can plan to make this on the days that you prep the rest of your food for the week.  The more you can prep beforehand, the less time you spend in the kitchen each night!

For the enchilada sauce (Used from Skinnytaste.com)

- Heat a medium saucepan, and spray with Olive Oil.  
- Saute two minced garlic cloves.  
- Add 1-2 Tbsp of Chipotle Chiles (I get the canned chiles in Adobo Sauce), 1/2 tsp Chipotle Chili Powder, 1/2 tsp Ground cumin, 3/4 Cup Chicken Broth, 1.5 Cups Hunt's Sugar Free Tomato Sauce, and salt and pepper to taste.  
- Bring the sauce to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 5-10 minutes.  
- If you're prepping ahead, store the sauce in a mason jar or tightly sealed container until you're ready to use it, or if you're making the night of, just set aside.  This sauce can also be easily freezed, and used later!

For the enchilada recipe, I needed more veggies but less cheese. So, I added chopped green and red peppers to the filling, and left out the cheese.

Here's the BEST part! One serving for this recipe = 2 enchiladas, so since it was just my fiance and I last night, I only really needed to make four enchiladas - two for him, one for me!   What did I do with the one left over? Packed it up for lunch the next day! How perfect?? That's meal planning at it's finest.  I try to use dinner leftovers for lunches as often as possible.  Not only am I not wasting food, but it's less ingredients that I need to buy at the grocery store, which means less $ spent!

Here's the other great part...I had enough ingredients to make eight enchiladas.  So, whatever we didn't need I was able to package up and freeze for another week.  This, again, means one less meal that I have to plan for next week, and less $ spent at the grocery store!

I'll be working on some posts all about meal planning, and where to start in the near future. In the meantime, if anyone has any questions about meal planning, then email me or find me on facebook!

Stay healthy, my friends!

How do you create a lifestyle that is healthy, and happy? What's involved? What do you need to be successful? Here's my take on this:

First, you need to want to live healthfully.  Creating a healthy lifestyle requires a change in your mindset, and also accepting that a change is needed.  It should be natural, and exciting! So exciting that you want to tell EVERYONE about your new found desire to become a healthier, better version of yourself.

Now, when I say "I want to be healthy". What does that mean to most people? Most will interpret this statement as "I need to lose weight" or "I need to start working out and eating better".  And, while those interpretations may very well be true, living a healthy lifestyle is so much more than just that! Being healthy can mean many different things to different people, but I believe that when you're healthy you're making the essential connection between your mind, body, and your soul as a whole.

You need to exercise. Start an effective exercise program tailored to your needs and goals.  I'm a huge believer in establishing an exercise routine that WORKS FOR YOU! We are all motivated by many different things. Some of us like to go to Group Fitness Classes, while some of us cringe at the idea.  Others enjoy a nice walk or run outside where they can soak up the fresh air, and a little Vitamin D.  Working out at home might work for others, whereas some might find that they easily become distracted by kids, TV, chores, and perhaps the couch!  When it comes down to it, there are SO many different ways to fit exercise in.  For some, it's all about convenience, and what can work with their schedule (this may just have to be a separate blog post, because I a lot of ideas on time management when it comes to fitting in exercise and staying healthy...I digress!)

Along with exercise, you need eat clean. Learn to eat as though your life depended on it, because it does! You are, literally, what you eat.  Luckily, if our mind, and body connections are working the way they should, once you start an exercise routine, you're more likely to eat healthy! Isn't that beautiful!? I'll be posting A LOT about nutrition and what it means to eat clean (to me).  This is an area that I have struggled with in the past, and here and there I'll slip up - newsflash: most people do! And it's ok! It's just a matter of getting yourself back on track, and not letting it happen again (at least not consecutively).

As you're beginning to exercise, and eat clean, you should also be educating yourself! Fortunately for us, there are plenty of blogs, social media platforms, and....Pinterest.  All of which can help motivate and educate you on how to reach your goals.  Here's where it gets tricky (in my opinion), and this is important...if you're going to take anything out of this blog post today, please let it be this: There are literally thousands of opinions, and theories, and ideas out there on how to get healthy, and lose weight, and what to eat, and what not to eat.  Through trial and error, find what works the best for you, and stick to that.

Now that you've started your exercise routine, eating clean, and you're constantly educating yourself: Commit and be consistent! After I had my son, I committed to a Beachbody Challenge Group through facebook. With that, I committed to exercising, eating clean, and educating myself to become a healthier, better version of myself!  Beachbody programs and nutrition plans are something that works for me.  I feel good, eat right, and find it easier to commit to the program because I feel accountable to my groups.  Which leads me to my last point today...

Create a supportive environment for yourself.  Tell everyone about your goals, and what you're trying to do.  Join a challenge group like I did. Join a gym. Find some friends with similar goals, and schedule workouts with them! Whatever you do, set yourself up for success, and you'll be a healthier, happier version of yourself!

Lastly, don't forget about me! I'm here to support YOU too.  Leave me a comment, or email me.  Find me on Facebook, and join some of my monthly groups. Whatever you do, don't go about this alone!

Until next time!

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