Cause for Celebration!

Who will CELEBRATE with me?!?!
This week marks a VERY important milestone in my weight loss journey --> I've OFFICIALLY lost 80lbs!!!
I can't say it was easy, and I can't say that it was necessarily hard, either. But, what I can say is, when you really put your mind to something, it can be accomplished!!!
Having the support that I do in my accountability groups, my coach, and from family and friends has truly made all of the difference in my weight loss journey, and I can't thank them enough!
This month, between myself and two other coaches, we are helping 34 people become healthier in our August Accountability group.
Isn't that insane?!? Can you imagine how that makes us feel? To know that we are helping that many people in just one month? It's an indescribable feeling, but overall, its extremely rewarding.
If you, or anyone that you know is looking to lose weight, eat healthier, get support, or just overall want to make a healthier change, then ask me about my monthly accountability groups! The support that they provide makes a world of a difference as you work to reach your personal goals, no matter how small or large they may be!

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