It was last year around this time that I started to become super inspired by ALL of the transformations taking over my news feed just in time for summer,  SO I decided it was time for me to kick it up a notch and make it a priority to do the same! 

Below is my transformation from May to September of last year! 20lbs down (80lbs total), SEVERAL inches lost, muscle definition found, and a new found confidence!

This year, at 25 weeks pregnant, I'm working on a different kind of transformation, but that doesn't mean I don't want what I was able to achieve to happen for YOU this summer!! SO, I'll be hosting my FIRST annual Summer Slimdown group starting Monday, June 13th! 

Here's How It Works:

1. Choose a program from the one's I've listed below
2. Fill out our RSVP Form with your info and program pick to secure your spot.
3. Register with the registration link you receive back via email.
4. Get ready to make this the healthiest summer yet beginning June 3rd!

Pick Your Program:

This group is 100% FREE and hosted by me, as your coach! The only thing required of you is that you commit 100% to one of my personally recommended programs that we coach on (listed below)!  These programs are world renowned, tried and tested by us, and guaranteed to get your results (or your money back!).  These programs are put together by a team of nutritionists and celebrity trainers to give you the best quality results possible! I myself lost 80 pounds using these programs, and I only recommend the ones that I have done myself so that I can coach you through it from my own personal experience!

Programs Available For June:

The 21 Day Fix (A perfect mix of cardio & strength)**
The 21 Day Fix Extreme (A more intense version of the 21 DF)**
The Master's Hammer and Chisel (A comprehensive weight training program)*
22 Minute Hard Corps (Boot Camp Style Workouts)**
Piyo (A cross between Pilates + Yoga Styled Workouts)*
CIZE Dance Workout (Shaun T's Hip Hop Dance Cardio!)**
Shaun T's T25 (Cardio Style Workouts)

*= my most popular program picks
*= programs that include the Portion Fix Nutrition Plan

What's Included In Your Program Pack?

A full workout program on DVD!
A calendar to tell you exactly which workout to do each day!
A nutrition guide to follow! 
(Some programs come with the Portion Fix: a nutrition plan with colored containers for portion control as well as a booklet full of recipe ideas - See asterisks above.)
A month's supply of Shakeology (a $130 value!)
A month's access to Beachbody On Demand (like the Netflix of Workouts!)
Registration into our exclusive and private 80's themed group on Facebook!

Program Packs start as low as $140!

What We Do in the Exclusive Challenge Group?

100% Private group on Facebook
Daily check ins with your Coach
24/7 Accountability and Support
Extra Tools and Tips to help you stick to your goals!

**For the first THREE new people to join in,  I'll send you a free recipe book filled with over 100 family friendly recipes to help you to plan your meals each week!**

RSVP HERE  to secure your spot!

With summer JUST around the corner, our team thought it was time to spice things up a bit in our next challenge group! We took a vote, and by a landslide, it was a no brainer that our next team Challenge Group HAD to be an "I Love the 80s" themed fitness challenge for June! SO! Break out your neon sweatbands, leg warmers and retro shorts, because we're about to throw it back 1980's style, while we crush some SERIOUS fitness goals for the month of June!

Here's How It Works:

1. Choose a program from the one's I've listed below
2. Fill out our RSVP Form with your info and program pick to secure your spot.
3. Register with the registration link you receive back via email.
4. Break out your leg warmers, retro shorts, spandex, and bright colored sweat bands, because we get started on May 23rd!

Pick Your Program:

This group is 100% FREE and hosted by myself and my team! The only thing required of you is that you commit 100% to one of our personally recommended programs that we coach on (listed below)!  These programs are world renowned, tried and tested by us, and guaranteed to get your results (or your money back!).  These programs are put together by a team of nutritionists and celebrity trainers to give you the best quality results possible! I myself lost 80 pounds using these programs, and I only recommend the ones that I have done myself so that I can coach you through it from my own personal experience!

Programs Available For June:

The 21 Day Fix (A perfect mix of cardio & strength)**
The 21 Day Fix Extreme (A more intense version of the 21 DF)**
The Master's Hammer and Chisel (A comprehensive weight training program)*
22 Minute Hard Corps (Boot Camp Style Workouts)**
Piyo (A cross between Pilates + Yoga Styled Workouts)*
CIZE Dance Workout (Shaun T's Hip Hop Dance Cardio!)**
Shaun T's T25 (Cardio Style Workouts)

*= my most popular program picks
*= programs that include the Portion Fix Nutrition Plan

What's Included In Your Program Pack?

A full workout program on DVD!
A calendar to tell you exactly which workout to do each day!
A nutrition guide to follow! 
(Some programs come with the Portion Fix: a nutrition plan with colored containers for portion control as well as a booklet full of recipe ideas - See asterisks above.)
A month's supply of Shakeology (a $130 value!)
A month's access to Beachbody On Demand (like the Netflix of Workouts!)
Registration into our exclusive and private 80's themed group on Facebook!

Program Packs start as low as $140!

What We Do in the Exclusive Challenge Group?

100% Private group on Facebook
Daily check ins with your Coach
24/7 Accountability and Support
Extra Tools and Tips to help you stick to your goals!
An instant community of friends with like-minded goals!

We'll start "Prep Week" on Monday, May 23rd and workouts will begin on Monday, May 30th.
To claim a spot you must order your program pack via the registration link I will email you.

Don't wait!!! Spots are filling up fast in our most popular themed group of the year!!

**While you're waiting on your registration link, or just as a thank you for stopping by, here's a FREE Meal Plan JUST FOR YOU!**

BreakfastOatmeal Muffin Blueberry Cups, 2 Hard Boiled EggsOatmeal Muffin Blueberry Cups, 2 Hard Boiled EggsOatmeal Muffin Blueberry Cups, 2 Hard Boiled EggsOatmeal Muffin Blueberry Cups, 2 Hard Boiled EggsOatmeal Muffin Blueberry Cups, 2 Hard Boiled Eggs
SnackApple with Nut ButterApple with Nut ButterApple with Nut ButterApple with Nut ButterApple with Nut Butter
LunchCreamy Chicken Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing over Romaine or in Whole Wheat Wrap with VeggiesCreamy Chicken Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing over Romaine or in Whole Wheat Wrap with VeggiesCreamy Chicken Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing over Romaine or in Whole Wheat Wrap with VeggiesCreamy Chicken Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing over Romaine or in Whole Wheat Wrap with VeggiesTake-out Fake Out! Beef (or Chicken) and Broccoli with Cashew over rice
SnackPlain Greek Yogurt and Berries with Raw WalnutsPlain Greek Yogurt and Berries with Raw WalnutsPlain Greek Yogurt and Berries with Raw WalnutsPlain Greek Yogurt and Berries with Raw WalnutsPlain Greek Yogurt and Berries with Raw Walnuts
DinnerSloppy Joes over Ezekiel Toast (Freeze the Leftovers!)Taco Salad: Taco Meat, Romaine, Tomato, Cucumber, Red Onion, 2 Corn Tortillas broken up, Taco Meat (homemade seasoning), 1 Tbsp Cheese, and dollop of Plain Greek YogurtSummer Vegetables with Chicken SausageChicken Tenders breaded with Whole Wheat Bread Crumbs; served with Broccoli Tots and a Side SaladPizza Night! Flatbread pizza with your favorite toppings (protein/veggies) plus a salad!

Move over Winter and Spring! Summer is around the corner, and the year is literally flying by! Wasn't it just yesterday that we set New Years Resolutions? How have they been going for you? I, for one, have some pretty big goals this year - to have the healthiest year of my life! (Oh, and a little extra cash wouldn't hurt either.)
Sounds good right?
Well, Beachbody is hosting a ‪#‎summerstrong‬ contest starting on April 4th, that's definitely got me motivated.

Here's how it works:

1. Choose a program below to commit to! You can choose between 22 Minute Hard Corps, The Master’s Hammer and Chisel, 21 Day Fix (or 21 Day Fix EXTREME), CIZE, or #BOD Exclusive: Brazil Butt Lift: CARNIVALE

2. Commit to your fitness track by choosing a program below and joining the corresponding Summer Strong Facebook Group.

3. Take your before photos before you start your program and submit your before/after photos between May 23rd, 2016 and June 7th, 2016. Links will be provided in the Facebook groups.


Email me at BEFORE April 4th to secure your spot, today!


When I first decided to commit to losing weight the idea of a lifetime of having to "diet" and spend hours exercising sounded terrible. By then, I was so tired of dieting and desperately wanted to just build a healthy relationship with food so that I wouldn't get caught in the vicious cycle of starting a diet, and then failing because I was starving and unhappy.

I was first introduced to the 21 Day Fix a year ago, and at first was really skeptical. I was turned off the by the name itself - thinking that I was guaranteed these amazing results in just 21 Days - but then what?

What I realized after doing a little more research on the program, was that the idea behind the program was to create a habit, and eventually create a lifestyle of healthy eating (NOT a diet). Basically, exactly what I was looking for!

These results came within a 7 month period, 21 Days at a time, 30 minutes a day, and committing to eating clean 80% of the time. For me, committing to that was mentally more manageable. I ate plenty of food each day, and not once felt deprived. And, the workouts provided a modifier, so I was able to add intensity and modify less as I got stronger.

With February being a rough month for me diet-wise, I've decided to re-commit to the 21 Day Fix this March. I want to go back to the basics, find balance again, and focus the MOST on dialing in my nutrition.

I'm looking for 3 more women to join me, and commit to getting back on track this March! Our next accountability group starts on March 7th, and you'll have a variety of tools and resources at your fingers tips to see real results in your first 21 Days!

Email me at, or find me on Facebook, for more information and to get all of the tools that you need to get started!

I get it! I'm one of the biggest skeptics around! There comes a point, though, when the cold-hard evidence is SO overwhelming, so REAL, that the only reason you would not believe something works is because you don't WANT to believe it.

When I share about the 21 Day Fix, more often than not I get the SAME reaction that I had before I decided to believe that it could work for me. I've had people who have watched me this past year FLOURISH on the program, but then completely doubt that it's a healthy way to live and fuel their bodies. But then, I'm over here all like, "I've lost 80 lbs in the last two years, kept it off, created a lifestyle of healthy habits, cleared up my skin, cured my stomach issues, AND have helped dozens of women do the same...but who's keeping track?"

Success stories of others using the 21 Day Fix are everywhere. Your friends are doing it, family members, acquaintances, infomercials (those are REAL coaches from an actual test group, BTW!) The real question is, how many success stories do you have to see until you decide it's time to write your own?

Here's how I moved from skeptical to successful:

I, like you, saw plenty of infomercials for the 21 Day Fix, CIZE, T25, name it, I watched them. I rolled my eyes. I scrolled past the public invites on Facebook, and ignored private messages from other coaches.  I was skeptical, but in reality, I didn't believe that I could actually be successful.  I had tried everything...Weight Watchers, The South Beach Diet, Trim Healthy Mama, horse pills, diet name it, I tried it. I rolled my eyes at Beachbody anything for the longest time, but one day a friend of mine posted up some transformation pictures of her and her husband after 1 round of the 21 Day Fix, and I stopped on it.  I thought back at how much I was struggling to lose weight, and KEEP it off, and I though, "OK! I give in...".  After countless success stories, and seeing just how much this program had worked for others, I DECIDED to give it a try (still, somewhat, skeptical).

Upon deciding to try the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology, I knew that I needed to commit 100% to this program.  I knew that if I didn't, I would have to add it to the list of the many other tried and failed weight loss programs, and by then I was DONE giving up.  I needed this to work more than ever, and so I was determined.  By committing, that meant I was following along with the program exactly as it was laid out. Planning my meals ahead, prepping ahead, drinking Shakeology daily, working out every day for JUST 30 minutes, checking into my challenge group daily, staying in touch with my coach, and giving it my ALL for 21 days straight. Was it easy? NO! Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!

By committing to the 21 Day Fix, drinking Shakeology, and staying accountable to my challenge group, I lost almost 11lbs in my first round of the 21 Day Fix. I was hooked. I was a believer once and for all. But most of all, I was well on my way to discover a lifestyle of healthy eating, building confidence, and FINALLY loving my body again.

The proof is in the pudding, my friends! The 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme are on sale for just 11 more days! So, if you're ready to write YOUR own health and fitness journey, join me and my THRIVING community starting February 8th! Together we're pushing ourselves to make 2016 the healthiest year yet! 

To join in, contact me at OR find me on Facebook at: I look forward to helping you start your healthy journey!

I know what this coaching thing looks like from the outside looking in...I used to BE the onlooker.  I used to look the other way, thinking that it was a gimmick, salesy, and at times a little annoying. Deep down, though, I just plain thought I couldn't do something like that I scrolled on by. In fact, when I signed up as a coach at first, I had no intentions of taking coaching any further than a sweet discount on my monthly shakeology...I simply wanted to lose the weight that I had to lose, get my body back post baby, and then who knew what!

As I went through the process, joined into accountability groups, followed along with my program exactly as it was laid out for me, drank my shakeology every day, planned ahead, and pushed play daily, I found myself starting to share about what I was doing with others as they were noticing my results.

I started looking into coaching further...what resources did I have at my fingertips? How could I help my friends do what I was doing? How could I make a part time income just by sharing what I was doing? How could I share what I was doing, without coming across as salesy? And (my biggest concern) how the HECK was I going to find the time for this?!?! I quickly realized that my skepticism behind coaching really stemmed from me not having all of the details.

I realized that I was part of a team of coaches who had a name for being one of the most authentic around. I realized that personal development was one of the number one vital things that my team focused on daily...things like building confidence, leadership, being a better human being, FINDING TIME, and just allover being a badass #GIRLBOSS!

So now that I have the details, I want to share them with you! I'll be co-hosting an inside look at what it is we coaches actually do on a daily basis - a 3 Day Sneak Peek at Coaching! You'll have the chance to ask us any burning questions you might have (like I did), and we'll answer them in ALL honesty! This is an opportunity that I wish I had in the beginning of my coaching journey, so that's why I'm putting it out there for YOU!

Join in here! We get started tomorrow :)

3 Day Sneak Peek - JOIN HERE!
Can you relate?

I was a classic yo yo dieter. I would hear about the next trendy diet on TV, join weight watchers (over and over again), and spend thousands of dollars on horse pills and supplements that I hardly knew anything about. The idea of starting a new "diet" was almost addictive, and I would get all excited about getting started (on a Monday of course).   I'd write down my meal plan for the week, plan my workouts, and promised myself that THIS TIME I was going to see it through from beginning to end! Monday would come and I would be ready!

I'd do really great for the first 10 days or so, and I would even lose a few pounds...but, by day 10, I'd start to fall off track. I'd start to get cravings (and not the good kind). I'd be irritable, grouchy, and I didn't feel great anymore.  That frustration led to temptation. Everything started smelling REALLY good, and I'd start thinking to myself "this sucks! I'm not having any fun! I'm tired, and I'm miserable!" Then, I'd head out with friends who would be enjoying some pizza and fried food, and I'd say "to heck with this!" The next thing I know, I'm binging on pizza and fried food (and beer), and the guilt sets in. I would be right back to where I started...planning the next diet (to start on a Monday).
A classic yo-yo dieting cycle

I went through this cycle for years! Here's what I've learned:  

Weight loss is a byproduct of good nutrition!
(Let me repeat that again, because it's THAT important: Weight loss is a byproduct of good nutrition!)

Each time I started a diet, I would lower my calorie intake and increase my activity.  With lowering my calories, I wasn't getting the recommended daily amount of nutrients, but I was asking my body to do MORE than what it was capable of.  By the time day 10 came around, nutrient deficiency started to kick in.  That lack of nutrients came in the form of cravings. And, do you know what cravings are, really? Cravings are the bodies way of saying "I need more nutrients!". (It's also the bodies way of tricking you into devouring an entire package of Hershey kisses) When our bodies get all of the nutrients that it needs, then it won't crave, you'll have more energy, you'll feel better and you'll do more...with all of that, weight loss just happens!! (It's a byproduct of GOOD nutrition!) :)

When I first decided to try Shakeology and the 21 Day Fix, do you know what I thought? I thought it was just another diet to add to my list of "tried and failed". I thought it was a gimmick that I was falling prey to, but was so desperate that I was willing to try anything. But, to my surprise, after a week and a half following the program, my cravings never fact, I never even thought about them! That same excitement that I had for all of the other programs I tried in the past was still there.  I looked forward to planning the next weeks meals, prepping them, and took satisfaction in the choices I was making. My complexion cleared up. My energy skyrocketed, and with ALL of that, I was consistently losing weight.

A full year of healthy choices

Now, after almost a whole year of drinking Shakeology and practicing proper portioning, a short 21 days has turned into a lifestyle of healthy choices, and NO MORE yo yo dieting. I've been able to venture into other programs while still utilizing the principles of the 21 Day Fix, making it all the more invaluable for me - Piyo while I trained for a half marathon, 21 Day Fix Extreme to get through the Holiday's, and now Hammer and Chisel to step out of my comfort zone, and train my body an a totally different way!

I share all of this with you because I've found something that has worked for me in ways that I never imagined it would. Not only am I leading this healthier lifestyle, but I've gained my life back. I'm happier, I'm more mindful, and present.  I share this because I want to pay it forward. Even if I helped just ONE person to change their life the way that mine has changed, I'd be 110% satisfied.

So, if you can relate to this, even just a little bit, then join me in my healthy journey, and let me help you create yours!
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