Monday, November 9, 2015

The Gratitude Fix: Wise Words...

Wise Words...

"Trust is the key ingredient to miracles".

Part of my story is that I was a classic yo-yo dieter. Can anyone relate?

Exercise was never an issue for me, but when it came to food I always thought that I needed to be on some sort of diet in order to lose weight, and keep it off.  I couldn't have been more wrong.  I would find the latest trend in weight loss diets, spend hours making a meal plan for the following week, spend way too much  money on ingredients (let alone the actual program), and then way too much time preparing everything.  Then, I'd follow the plan all week, feel totally deprived, and in turn lacked the motivation to do it all over again for the following week.  This led to me overeating on the weekends, then to guilt, and then to feeling like I was back at square one...

By the time I learned about the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology from a friend and upline coach, I was 100lbs overweight, and I was so over trying another trendy diet, that I almost didn't even do it.  I had heard of the program and meal replacement before, and I will be the first to admit that I was skeptical. I even made fun of it - calling it another trend, a way to make money, a gimmick.  But, I was desperate. I was so ready to make a change, and after seeing the results that my friend was getting, I went for it.  I trusted that she wouldn't try and sell me something that didn't actually work, and I trusted that she was simply sharing with me something that worked for her, and that she knew would work for me.

I mean, I had tried everything else at that point, and was totally desperate to lose my baby weight (and then some).

Today, I'm officially 85lbs lighter since the birth of my son, and I've completely transformed how I eat.  My diet is no longer a "diet", it's just simply a balanced way of eating.  It's simple, and doesn't require hours of planning or prepping ahead of time. Shakeology is convenient, and the container system for the 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme beyond simple. In fact, I don't even have to rely on them as much, because I've gotten used to exactly what and how much I should be eating each day.

On top of this healthier way of eating, and outlook, the daily workouts are only 30 minutes. So, instead of spending hours in the gym (something I always thought I needed to do), I get a quick, effective workout in the comfort of my own home. No commute back and forth to a gym. No thinking about what workout I'm going to do that day. And, more time with my son!

The 21 Day Fix is by far one of my soulmate programs (alongside Piyo), and I'm so fortunate to have finally found something that doesn't consume my life!

If you think that the 21 Day Fix might be something that could change your lifestyle, CONTACT ME! I can help get you plugged into an accountability group to help keep you on track, and I can help make it fit for your own lifestyle.

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