Monday, October 26, 2015

Insure Your Body this Holiday Season

Do you have an INSURANCE plan?

No, not car or life insurance.. . I'm talking about an insurance plan for your body?!
We are coming up on the most tempting time of year - Halloween candy, pecan pie, your grandmother's peanut butter balls, lattes, name it!

While yes, it's totally human and OK to indulge and splurge, the average American gains 15 pounds over the next three months....want to know why? They don't have a PLAN!

SO, what do you do? You have to RE-COMMIT to a full program with guidelines, workouts, and calendars to take the stress out of avoiding temptation and staying on track!

Me? I recommit to MY insurance plan - the 21 day fix. Why? Because ITS EASY, clear cut , not crazy, 30 minutes a day in my own home, no gym, and it STILL lets me live my life! Now that's my kind of insurance plan!

Everyone knows the most important checks you write are to the insurance company in case anything goes wrong SO DON'T FORGET to safeguard yourself and YOUR BODY smile emoticon the most important part!

So, what is your plan?!?

Fill out the form below to join my next challenge group, and insure YOU'RE body this Holiday season!
Fill out my online form.
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