Monday, October 26, 2015

21 Day Fix: Back on Track for Week 2!

With my wedding come and gone, I fell off track with my weight loss. In the weeks before my wedding, I had gone through a full round of 21 Day Fix Extreme, and followed the Countdown to Competition plan. For those not familiar with this program, it is a very strict, very disciplined program that you should really only follow for special occasions (in my personal opinion). I had a very good reason to follow it, and had some amazing results! I felt great!!
I'll admit, though, it was really nice to take a little break from following such a strict program, but I didn't really plan it right, and in turn gained some weight back. I had to get back on track!

Fortunately, I have the 21 Day Fix handy to dial  myself back into a more realistic way of eating...something I should have done right off the bat! You see, the 21 Day Fix follows what we call an 80/20 rule.  You stay on plan 80% of the time, but are allowed some forgiveness each week if you are going to fall off track.  It's a more realistic way to live, right? I mean, think of the weekends as the best example! A majority of us connect with friends and family on the weekends, and it's typically revolved around food and drinking. So, if you stick to the plan all day on Saturday, for example, then head out on the town Saturday night for some burgers and micro-brews, you can get right back on track Sunday without feeling the guilt. Works for me!

The 21 Day Fix Extreme is designed for you to stick to the plan 100% of the time, with no wiggle room for forgiveness. The workouts are also geared towards really leaning up, and getting you ready for that big event. So, you can see the difference between the two!

In my opinion, having both plans handy is a god-send. I can follow the 21 Day Fix most of the time, and then jump into 21 Day Fix Extreme when I have a big event coming up. Perfect!

I digress....

Let me jump back to when I realized I needed to get my butt back in gear post wedding...I recommitted to the 21 Day Fix a week ago, and I'm already feeling the wonderful effects! I'm down 4lbs, and really seeing my body change again. Last week was a slow transition back into my love affair with the program, but this week (week 2), I'm all in!

I created my meal plan for the week, and got to work yesterday with meal prepping so that I was ready to go today without a hitch. I'll share throughout the week some of the meals/recipes I prepped, starting with some homemade, 21 Day Fix Approved Pasta Sauce, because I'm SUPER excited about them!

In the meantime, here's my Week 2 Meal Plan!

My team will be running a 2 part 21 Day challenge over the Holiday Season.The first will begin on Monday, November 2nd, and the second will begin on Monday, November 30th. We will follow the 21 Day Fix, and check in with a daily photo of gratitude to hold ourselves accountable!

If you'd like more information about our upcoming challenge (or any future challenges), complete the application below!

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