Wednesday, July 8, 2015

When do Working Mom's Workout?

As full time, working mom of a busy one and a half year old, I have discovered that “me time” is at a premium.  I love my job, and am fortunate enough to have access to a beautiful place to work out at work, but like many, my workload isn't always conducive for sneaking in a midday workout at the gym that is long enough to feel like I’m getting results. My son, “The Mini-Athlete” is an early riser, and like most babies, he is back in bed pretty early – between 7:30 and 8. Gone are the days of having a gym membership, and I want to soak up every moment with my son before he’s asleep!  So, that leaves me with the question…when do working moms workout? 

Now, I know I'm not alone in this endeavor.  There are millions of other fitness enthusiasts out there who struggle with the responsibilities of motherhood and a full time job.  The one thing that we all have in common and the most important component that you need to succeed is to establish your frame of mind.  Working out must be a priority, and you have to want to succeed or you will fall off the band wagon almost as quickly as you got onto it!  With little extra time in your life, it’s easy to find excuses not to workout otherwise.  Here is some of the best advice that I can give, that has truly worked for me as I take on motherhood and a full time job:

Find what is convenient for you.

As a busy mom, try to pick a form of exercise that is the most convenient for you.  Whatever you choose may not necessarily be your favorite at first, but it should fit with the time that you have.  

I started Beachbody programs in order to add variety to my workouts, and because I knew they were short and that they WORK!  Exercising at home, at first, was not my favorite.  I would have much rather gone to the gym or taken a group fitness class, so it took some getting used to. But today, I can't see myself doing anything else! 

I've seen amazing results with programs like T25, Piyo, and 21 Day Fix, and, might I add, that these programs offers workouts that are 30 minutes or less!! With a busy schedule, it couldn't get much more perfect than that!  Now, I find my son joining in with me! He gets excited when I pull my yoga mat out...he's like my little cheering squad! And, let's be honest, not only am I doing this for myself, but for him too!

I eventually also took on running! Fortunately, walking and running workouts ARE great choices when you have a baby at home, because you can take them along with you!  When I found out I was pregnant, I did some research and found a jogging stroller that was light weight, and made for running.  Now, I can take him with me for a run after work, and we can spend quality time together while I get a great workout in!

My Dad, son and I after the Gillette Finish at the 50 10K!

Find Community.

For some working mom’s, going back to work after being gone on maternity leave can feel somewhat lonely at times.  You're establishing a new identity as a working mom, and trying to make it all work; between getting used to your new schedule, fitting in time for yourself, and deeply missing your child.  Becoming a part of a community who share common goals with you can help you get back on track, and help you to establish a workout routine that works for you.  This community does not necessarily have to be a group of other fit working moms, but perhaps other co-workers, friends, or social media groups who can support you in your endeavor.

Earlier I mentioned that I started using Beachbody programs because of how convenient they are for me.  Along with the programs, I had the opportunity to join a Challenge Group on Facebook, led by my Beachbody Coach.  Being apart of something like this gives you a sense that you're not alone in your efforts to reach your goals, and motivates you to work just as hard as everyone else!

How can you join one of my challenge groups in the future? Keep an eye out here and on facebook for invites to my monthly Challenge Groups, and YOU can find the same sense of community that I did for motivation! Check out some of the programs you can use in these groups HERE!! 

Establish a Schedule, but be flexible...

I crave schedules, and as a mother, I NEED a schedule.  Establishing a schedule was one of the best things I did for myself upon returning to work from maternity leave.  My first day back, I planned everything from my lunch and healthy snacks for the week, to when and where I was going to work out.  My first day back went off without a hitch!  I went to the gym bright and early for 6am, and walked on the treadmill for an hour (I wasn’t quite ready for running yet after my C-Section). Through trial and error, and a year and half later, I have established a schedule which works not only for me, but for my family, and most importantly, my son!  

It's also important to note that if you have a day where your schedule doesn’t go as planned, have a backup plan!  And, if it turns out that your back up plan falls through, forgive yourself if you can’t squeeze in a workout that day.  Know that there is always tomorrow, and make sure that nothing gets in your way!

Remember that you're important too.

As a working mom, it’s easy to feel as if you're being pulled in a million different directions.  We put our children and family before our own needs, and we try to do it all.  In actuality, we're forgetting the most important thing – finding time to take care of ourselves.  You will be a better mom, a better employee, co-worker, partner, and a better person if you focus on taking care of yourself first.  It seems contrary when there is dinner to be made, laundry to be folded, dishes to be washed, and work to be done, but there will always be more laundry, and more dishes.  There is only one YOU, so make yourself a priority!  

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