Monday, July 13, 2015

Investing in Yourself: How to Afford Shakeology

In the short time that I've been a Beachbody Coach, I've had many people message me asking me about joining my upcoming Challenge Groups, and about Shakeology.  I get really excited when I get these messages, because it's my chance to share with people what I've been doing to be healthier and lose weight, but most importantly, I get the chance to perhaps help someone change their life for the better.  Now and then, though, someone will say, "I can't afford Shakeology.  Thanks for the information, but I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing".  I hear that, and I feel bad.

I feel bad because I know how they feel...I once felt that way.  I feel bad, because I know that this is a major barrier for was once my barrier.  I feel bad, because they aren't yet aware that they CAN afford this opportunity, and they SHOULD...something I didn't know about at first.

The harsh reality is that if we don't invest in our health now, we'll pay later through co-pays, illness and medications.  Obesity related conditions such as, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancers are the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States ( Keyword being "preventable"! As in, we can control this. The moral of this story is that we can't afford to NOT be investing in our health.

So, how do we do this? Prioritize! We need to prioritize our health, our children's health and our families first and foremost. If you really want it, you'll make it work! 

How do we make it work?

1. Sit down and take an honest look at your finances - How much money do you spend each month on coffee, or going out to eat? How much money do you spend each month on cloths that (let's face it) you don't even like because they don't fit right, or you're not happy with your body? How much money do you spend on groceries each month, AND how much of your groceries were items that you probably could have done without? If you're going to commit to a Beachbody Program at home, do you need that gym membership anymore? What about things like Netflix? Unless you're using this service to get you through a treadmill workout, and not to sit on the couch all day catching up on Orange is the New Black, do you really need it?

2. Sign up for Shakeology Home Direct. This is an Autoship program which gets you Shakeology each month with free shipping vs. paying shipping for every one-time Shakeology purchase.

3. Become a Beachbody Coach for the discount.  When you sign up to become a Beachbody coach, some will be relieved to know that you DO NOT need to sell anything to your friends and family in order to do this.  Being a coach gets you exclusive benefits like 25% off of your Shakeology and any products that you purchase on  So, you end up saving about $30 per month on Shakeology. A GREAT way to save!

4. Become a Beachbody Coach, get the discount, and build a business!  If you chose to sign up to be a Beachbody Coach for the discount, you also have the chance to share Shakeology with friends and family!  And, when you share the opportunity with three of your friends or family, Shakeology is free for you! Even better!  And, trust me, once they see the results you'll get, they'll want in too!

5. You'll save money on groceries each week.  Shakeology is a meal replacement each day, and you won't want to buy processed junk food anymore once you've changed your diet for the better.  You also will not need to buy as much for breakfast of snacks, depending on which meal you're replacing. Since starting Shakeology, I've been saving an average of $30 per week on Groceries! That adds up!

So, you get the idea.  There are so many ways to afford Shakeology, and take control of your health.  I have lot's more tips to share...too many to list! So, if you have questions, or perhaps need more tips on how you can save then message me! That's what I'm here for.

Shakeology has literally changed my life. I feel less bloated each day. I never have cravings, and I feel energized.  My hair, skin and nails have improved, and I'm more motivated than ever to reach my goals. 

I hope to share this opportunity with you someday!

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