Wednesday, January 20, 2016

From Skeptical to Successful: How I made 21 Day Fix a Success!


I get it! I'm one of the biggest skeptics around! There comes a point, though, when the cold-hard evidence is SO overwhelming, so REAL, that the only reason you would not believe something works is because you don't WANT to believe it.

When I share about the 21 Day Fix, more often than not I get the SAME reaction that I had before I decided to believe that it could work for me. I've had people who have watched me this past year FLOURISH on the program, but then completely doubt that it's a healthy way to live and fuel their bodies. But then, I'm over here all like, "I've lost 80 lbs in the last two years, kept it off, created a lifestyle of healthy habits, cleared up my skin, cured my stomach issues, AND have helped dozens of women do the same...but who's keeping track?"

Success stories of others using the 21 Day Fix are everywhere. Your friends are doing it, family members, acquaintances, infomercials (those are REAL coaches from an actual test group, BTW!) The real question is, how many success stories do you have to see until you decide it's time to write your own?

Here's how I moved from skeptical to successful:

I, like you, saw plenty of infomercials for the 21 Day Fix, CIZE, T25, name it, I watched them. I rolled my eyes. I scrolled past the public invites on Facebook, and ignored private messages from other coaches.  I was skeptical, but in reality, I didn't believe that I could actually be successful.  I had tried everything...Weight Watchers, The South Beach Diet, Trim Healthy Mama, horse pills, diet name it, I tried it. I rolled my eyes at Beachbody anything for the longest time, but one day a friend of mine posted up some transformation pictures of her and her husband after 1 round of the 21 Day Fix, and I stopped on it.  I thought back at how much I was struggling to lose weight, and KEEP it off, and I though, "OK! I give in...".  After countless success stories, and seeing just how much this program had worked for others, I DECIDED to give it a try (still, somewhat, skeptical).

Upon deciding to try the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology, I knew that I needed to commit 100% to this program.  I knew that if I didn't, I would have to add it to the list of the many other tried and failed weight loss programs, and by then I was DONE giving up.  I needed this to work more than ever, and so I was determined.  By committing, that meant I was following along with the program exactly as it was laid out. Planning my meals ahead, prepping ahead, drinking Shakeology daily, working out every day for JUST 30 minutes, checking into my challenge group daily, staying in touch with my coach, and giving it my ALL for 21 days straight. Was it easy? NO! Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!

By committing to the 21 Day Fix, drinking Shakeology, and staying accountable to my challenge group, I lost almost 11lbs in my first round of the 21 Day Fix. I was hooked. I was a believer once and for all. But most of all, I was well on my way to discover a lifestyle of healthy eating, building confidence, and FINALLY loving my body again.

The proof is in the pudding, my friends! The 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme are on sale for just 11 more days! So, if you're ready to write YOUR own health and fitness journey, join me and my THRIVING community starting February 8th! Together we're pushing ourselves to make 2016 the healthiest year yet! 

To join in, contact me at OR find me on Facebook at: I look forward to helping you start your healthy journey!

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