Friday, January 8, 2016

Five things you can do to get ready for the Master's Hammer and Chisel RIGHT NOW!

Beachbody's newest weight training program, the Master's Hammer and Chisel, features celebrity trainers Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme) and Sagi Kalev (Body Beast), AND it's now available!!

I'm well into Week 1 of this comprehensive program, and I'm feeling it in places I never imagined...and it's awesome! The program was designed to "help you shape powerful muscle and shed body fat to build a ripped, statue-perfect physique". Sounds intense, right? It is, and I can tell you that I'm already feeling results in just the first five days.

I've been talking this program up for a while, but before I decided to commit I was hesitant to even try it...I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do half of the exercises in the workouts, and shied away from the thought for a little bit...but, 2016 is all about being BOLD, so I decided to commit, and here are five things that I did that YOU can start doing NOW to prepare yourself for this incredibly comprehensive workout program!

1. Get your mind right!

Like anything, committing and sticking to a comprehensive training plan is ALL about mindset.  Here are some ways you can get your 'tude where it needs to be to ROCK the Hammer and Chisel workouts...

Find your "Why"...write it down!

What draws you to this program in particular? Why do you want to do it? When you reach your goals of a "statue-perfect" physique, how do you imagine that would make you feel?

Have you ever started a workout program and then quit halfway through? Have you ever started going to a gym, or training for a race and just stopped? We all have, right? (At least the majority of us) This time, you have to DECIDE that things will be different.  Think about ALL of the barriers that got in your way the last time(s) you started and quit something, and come up with a plan to work around them.

Once you've crafted your "Why", write it down, put it up on your refrigerator or somewhere you will see it every day!

Get excited!

Do you ever start out a new program super motivated and excited for the end results? That's because starting a new program - especially one like The Master's Hammer and Chisel - IS exciting!  There's an element of fear, doubt, anticipation, and knowing that you're about to tackle a big goal head on!

Get motivated!

Create a Pinterest board with motivational sayings, quotes, etc. Create a vision board or a dream board with everything you want to achieve while following the program. What are the end results you want? How do you want to feel? This all stems from your "Why" (which should be on your vision board, too!) :)

2. Start implementing healthy habits TODAY

"Abs are made in the kitchen". Ever heard that saying before? Nutrition is extremely important when it comes to reaching results.  It is literally the key to defining your body. Since Hammer and Chisel is such an intense program, fueling your body properly is especially important because you'll be building muscle, and shedding fat.


This is a KEY component of ensuring that you're getting all of your nutrients, vitamins and minerals into your diet each day.  Shakeology will be apart of the program, so if you're not drinking it yet, now is a great time to start!  Shakeology helps fight cravings, provides energy for your workouts (and life!) and it supplies your body with real, whole superfood nutrients, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, probiotics, vitamins and minerals.

3. Prepare your body

If you've never lifted weights, or haven't in a while, I recommend that you establish a base before you tackle Hammer and Chisel.  When I knew that I was going to be starting Hammer and Chisel in January, I established a strong game plan to gear up for the big Day 1!

In November, I committed to the 21 Day Fix.  The workouts in 21 Day Fix establishes a baseline to start with, and helps you build strength.  There is a modifier you can follow if you're new to working out! 21 Day Fix is also a little more flexible with your diet.  It follows an 80/20 rule, so you eat clean 80% of the time, and have the other 20% to have a glass of wine or eat some pizza (without falling off track).

By December, I took the next step up and committed the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  This is another 21 day program with more challenging workouts, and a stricter eating plan.  The eating plan is somewhat similar to Hammer and Chisels because there are no cheats allowed.  So, not only was I upping the intensity with Extreme, but I was preparing myself to eat clean 100% of the time.

Other ways that you can prepare for The Master's Hammer and Chisel include:
- Do a round or two of Body Beast
- Try a Hybrid workout program that includes 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, and Body Beast all together!
- Sign up for a free 30 days of Beachbody On Demand, and I can put together a 30 day training plan for you, including two sneak peak workouts of the Hammer and Chisel!

4. Don't do it alone!

I run monthly online challenge groups for daily support, accountability and motivation. Join in NOW while you're training to start the Master's Hammer and Chisel, and then WHILE you're actually DOING the program.  While I was training with both 21 Day Fix programs, I was apart of an online accountability group, and I didn't miss one single day!  Even on the hardest days where I wasn't feeling motivated, or I was tired, I would see post workout pics from my group and would automatically feel guilty if I didn't push play myself! These groups are a game changer, and they are an added bonus for you!

5. Get the right equipment

The required equipment for Master's Hammer and Chisel include:
- Dumbbells of varying weights
- A pull up bar (best option) OR an exercise band with a door attachment (which is what I'm currently using)
- A weight bench (best option) OR a stability ball (I'm using both)
- Workout sheets and pen which can be printed from On Demand, so you can track progress!

So there you have it! Five ways to prepare yourself to ROCK the Master's Hammer and Chisel! These are all things that I did to prepare, and I can honestly say that I'm thankful I did, because these workouts are tough, but I was ready!

Start your Fitness Game Plan TODAY. Find me on Facebook, or email me at:

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