Thursday, December 3, 2015

Be a Unicorn!

I had someone tell me once that being a coach meant supporting this notion that women need to get that "bikini" body, or look a certain way to be noticed. Well, I'm here to tell you THAT'S JUST NONSENSE!  Instilling the stereotype in women that they need to have this "bikini" body in order to be valuable is not AT ALL what I'm about as a coach. 
I'll be the first to admit that there was a time in my life where I thought that constantly being on a diet, and looking a certain way would somehow make me more attractive and more accepted. I fell into the lap of the common stereotypes of what the perfect body should look like, and literally burned myself out trying to look a certain way. I've since discovered an entirely NEW outlook on "diet and exercise". In fact, the word "diet" is hardly apart of my vocabulary...
You should know, that we as women, have EVERY RIGHT to pursue a strong and healthy body without feeling shame that your pursuit is shallow or vain. Just like you have every right to believe that having that perfect body is not always the ticket to having self love or self worth. 
YOU have every right to feel good about yourself. And, YOU have every right to enjoy the way your body looks and feels in your favorite cloths. It's YOUR body. YOU decide how to take care of it. And, if it means that you become apart of a thriving community of coaches who share this notion, and have your back in all aspects of your health and fitness journey - so be it!
Why I became a coach in the first place had everything to do with wanting to be apart of something bigger than myself. I needed an outlet to build back confidence that I had lost in pursuit of the "perfect body". Through self reflection, personal development, and various conversations with fellow coaches, I've realized that I DON'T need to have that perfect body to be confident. I DO need to have a healthy body, but only because it makes me feel great, and happy, and I enjoy having it. 
My "Why" has morphed into this strong desire to help other women find confidence in themselves. I want to help YOU build a life by design.  I want YOU to feel beautiful in every aspect of your life, and to simply be your own beautiful self!

(Image from Society6 - One of the sweetest sites I've ever stumbled upon!)

If you share the same mission as I do. If you want to be apart of something bigger than yourself, like I did...then JOIN ME in my journey to help women gain confidence, and love themselves again through a lifestyle of health and fitness. You'll become apart of this amazing community of other coaches who share similar beliefs, and who motivate each other in their own unique ways.
Complete my online form below for  more information on how to become apart of my team.

I can't wait to virtually meet you! <3

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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