Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Transformation Tuesday: How I lost the rest of the weight pre-baby...

I had my son almost 2 years ago. By March of this year, I was finally back to pre-pregnancy weight, but had a lot more work to do. I struggled to get there in the first place, but on top of that, my body had changed (things weren't falling the same way that they used to)...I was starting to worry that I would never get my body back, and almost gave up trying completely.

By March, I had tried so many diets in an attempt to lose more weight (my goal weight is 150lbs), but nothing was budging...and it sucked. I was slowly giving up, which meant I was starting to make poor choices again, and not caring. I was desperate, and felt like I was in it alone...

A friend posted about an accountability group she was running for the 21 day fix. I saw the results she and her husband were getting, and despite how skeptical I was about the whole program, I reached out, and joined in.

At first, I was a quiet observer...I didn't really participate much...still skeptical, but because I felt accountable to my friend, I stuck to the program, drank my nutrient dense shake everyday, and quickly started FEELING better. That feeling turned into noticing my pants fit better, and my skin was clearing up. Next thing I knew I was buying new pants nearly once a month! My attitude changed...I was happier, and carrying myself differently.

Fast forward to today, and I'm officially down 30 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight (85lbs in total since my son's birth). I took a leap of faith, trusted my friend, invested in myself, and I'm now only 15 lbs away from my ultimate goal weight!

This holiday season, I'm staying committed to the 21 Day fix, and focusing on the last 15. I'm looking for 3 women who want to join me! We will stay accountable to each other, motivate and encourage each other, and cheer each other on as we jump-start some big goals for 2016!

Who's with me? If YOU are, then CONTACT me today!

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