Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Gratitude Fix: Season


"Fall is a season for balancing light and dark, letting go, and accepting the impermanence of things." - Unknown

Do you ever notice how you change throughout the seasons? For some of us, our energy level change; our mood, our motivation, and even the way we carry ourselves, can change.

Fall is a time for letting go and releasing things that have been a burden.  It's the time to practice getting out of our own way, and focusing on bettering ourselves before the new year. It is the season to let go of excuses and guilt, and start living lives that are full of things that we love; things that fill our hearts with gratitude and happiness. Isn't that what the Holiday season is all about?

I've finally gotten around to reading The Fringe Hours, by Jessica N. Turner, and I'm learning about ways that I can make more time for myself in the cracks of my day, on top of my non-negotiable responsibilities.

As I was reading last night, it got me thinking about how we, ourselves, can move through various seasons in our lives.  A personal example is how much I've changed as a person since becoming a mom.  As new moms, our priorities shift. We are natural nurturers, people pleasers, and we are constantly taking care of everything for everyone else. We quickly forget about one {VERY} important thing! Ourselves!

This season, I encourage you to start letting go of your excuses. You DO have time to workout. You DO have time to eat healthy. You DO have time to read that book that's been collecting dust. You DO have time to create some of those Pinterest crafts you've been dreaming about starting! You DO have time for your own self-care. Not only do you have DESERVE it!

Start finding that balance between the tasks that are "musts', and those that can "wait". Then, realize that priorities change as we change, and be open to that.

Not sure where to start? I started with my health and fitness, and from there, I've continued to make small, incremental changes along the way. So, let me help you! I'd love to share with you what has worked for me, and help you to create your own life by design. The outcome is SO rewarding.

P.S. I may, or may not be planning an accountability group specifically around The Fringe Hours! Would you be interested in learning how to make more time for yourself? If so, Email Me! We can read the book together.

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