Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Gratitude Fix: The Little Things

The little things...

...those small, insignificant moments that cultivate life long memories.

Saturday mornings can get a little hectic in our household...mostly because it's the only time in the week where we can actually pick up around the house, get laundry done, and then get out the door to run errands or whatever else the day brings. This morning was really no different.

I always try to squeeze in an early morning workout before my son wakes up, but he's been battling a nasty cough, and was up early with me. Instead of throwing in the towel, I decided to workout anyways (21 Day Fix Extreme - Dirty 30), and if he needed me, I'd just have to go with the flow. I set him up with Disney Jr (lifesaver!), and got to it! I had to press pause a couple of times to help him get a snack, some water, his favorite toy out of the toy box he couldn't get to, etc. But in the end, I got in a workout and was ready to tackle my day. He even joined in for a round of squats!

This weekend is my husbands weekend off, so he almost always stirs up some fun plan for the day by the time he gets home from the gym. Sure enough, we were headed to Fun World, and arcade in Nashua! We have never been, but this was a treat because we were meeting up with his uncle and cousins! The arcade was about an hour away, so what's a road trip without a treat?

Starbucks Latte, please! This is not on plan for 21 Day Fix, but that's ok. Why? The 21 Day Fix is all about finding balance in your life, and your diet. Lattes were a daily thing for me back when I had unhealthy habits, but now that I've learned to balance everything out, they are an every once in a while treat, and I no longer feel guilty after having one.

Fun world was a BLAST! I wriggled through the playground tunnels, and down twisty slides and laughed just as hard as my son's and nieces did when we tripped our way through the ball pit. The entire time I was so thankful that I had the energy to keep up with them, but more than that, that I could actually fit through the tiny spaces in the first place! The old me would not have been able to do that...

I love this life that I have created for myself and my family, and the small little moments which transform into lifelong memories!

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