Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Gratitude Fix: Brings Me Warmth...

Brings me warmth...

Piyo warm's up my body so I can put back in what running takes out...flexibility!

My love affair with Piyo started after I had my son two year ago. I had a C-Section, and was 100lbs overweight. Needless to say, my core lacked strength, flexibility, and alignment. I had a hard time getting up out of chairs, bed, the floor, in and out of cars...just moving in general! I was extremely eager to start working out as soon as I got the "all clear" from my doctor, but I was also extremely nervous to go back to a gym - I was embarrassed at how much weight I had gained, and how weak I was.

I had purchased T25 prior to my pregnancy, and thought that I could jump right back into that program once I was cleared to start working out again.  The problem was, because of the condition my body was in - more weight, lack of core strength, flexibility, etc - my body was NOT responding well, and I could barely get through five minutes of the workout (even with modifications). I was stuck. Aside from the fact that I really didn't have time to go to the gym with a newborn, I REALLY didn't want to go to the gym and bump into people that I knew. I didn't want them to see how much weight I had gained, and was embarrassed.

I started walking with my son, but I really needed more than that. I needed strength, flexibility, and more mobility in my hips. I needed to correct my posture - carrying all of that extra weight had really pulled my neck and shoulders forward, and it made me feel "frumpy".

Right around this time, I saw a post about a new program launching that month called "Piyo". It was a program that promised increased strength and flexibility through movements which combined both Yoga and Pilates together.  Now, the old me would have moved past that program and onto something a little more intense.  I wasn't really into Yoga, and had never tried Pilates before, but because the program seemed to offer everything that I  needed in that moment in time, I bought it, and hoped for the best.

Turns out, Piyo was the best thing that I could have done for myself. At first, I modified everything. I was extremely inflexible, and weak through my core. My wrists were sore from holding myself up, and the lack of strength that my arms and shoulders had. But, after a couple of weeks, I started to notice a real difference in how my body felt. First, I noticed that my wrist pain went away - a sign that I was getting stronger. Then, I noticed my posture improving, and my core was getting stronger.  I was also losing weight, and overall feeling so much better.

After going through one full round of Piyo, I finally felt strong enough to take on more intense, high impact workouts like, T25, and Insanity. I also started slowly getting back into running again. I put Piyo off to the side to tackle these other programs, but would sprinkle a Piyo workout in here and there.

A year after starting Piyo, and incorporating other Beachbody programs into my routine, I finally added Shakeology and the 21 Day Fix, because my weight had come to a stand still, and I still had about 50 more lbs to lose.  By this time, I was also running regularly, and had signed up for a few 10K races. I started the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology in March, and by July, I had lost 30lbs!

It was then that I decided to sign up for a half marathon in November! The 21 Day Fix, because it incorporates weight training, was a great supplement to my running. However, with the high impact of running, and the importance of maintaining flexibility to stay injury free, I decided to start Piyo again. Piyo has been an essential component to my half marathon training. It has kept me injury free, flexible, and strong.

I love what Piyo has done for me.  From a new mom, with lots of weight lose, but no core strength, to a runner who needs that flexibility and cross training component, Piyo is truly my soulmate program!

If you're a new mom, a runner, someone looking to lose weight, someone looking to improve flexibility, someone looking to improve core strength and posture, a women, a man...a human...Piyo is for you.

If you'd like to give Piyo a try, connect with me and I'll help you get started! It's a life changing experience!

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