Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Transformation's are more than physical...

I can't remember a time where I liked having my picture taken. In fact, I would avoid pictures as often as possible, and hide behind anyone I could in group photos. For my first mother's day, we received a generous gift from my parents to have family photos done, but I was petrified. I can remember that day, and how frustrated I was that I didn't have cloths that fit me, or that were nice enough for a family photo shoot. I can remember crying, and eventually just not caring what I looked like as time ran out. I can remember getting the finished product, and finding only a couple that I {sort of} liked. It was hard to justify purchasing these photos, because I had such a hard time seeing myself in them...needless to say, I didn't share them with anyone buy my family...
Fast forward to about 6 or 7 months ago, when it came time to choose a photographer for our wedding, I was still feeling a little scarred from my last photo shoot...I avoided finding a photographer like the plague, and tried to find every excuse why we didn't need one. But, due to popular demand, we hired one anyway.  Between hiring, and the big day, I happened to have made a big transformation. Not only in my weight loss journey, but emotionally, too. For the first time ever I didn't feel as nervous about the photo shoot as I had in the past. 
My transformation is far from just physical. I have overcome so many hurdles over the past few years. I had confidence issues, self esteem issues, and was extremely hard on myself.
Coaching has helped me to overcome a lot of my insecurities. I've connected with so many inspiring women, focused more on myself and being happy, and I've started making real connections with others looking to start their healthy journeys. For the first time ever, I feel like I'm beginning to inspire others, and that feels just as incredible as my own weight loss journey!
If you want to connect with others the way I have, make new friends, and connect with the old, then join my team and start creating your own inspirational journey! This is an opportunity to write your own story, then pay it forward to others. It's amazing!

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