Friday, October 30, 2015

Making Time...A Day in the Life!

"How do you do it ALL!?"

I am a full time working Mom who has managed to get rid of her baby weight, find time for workouts, eating right, family time and working as a Beachbody Coach. Not a week goes by that I don't get this question. And, the answer is: "I don't do it ALL!" In fact, no women does. We are all so caught up with comparing ourselves with other mom's, but the reality of it is that we are ALL hot messes! Some of us just hide it well. 

I have piles of laundry to fold, dirty dishes to wash, sticky floors, undone hair, sometimes no makeup -- I DON'T do it all. 

With the overwhelming responsibilities that come along with being a full time working mom, it’s often easy to put ourselves on the back burner and just focus on the rest of the family.  I was (and sometimes still can be) guilty of that. I work 40 hours a week. Commute an hour and a half each way (on a good day). I come home in the evening to full time Mom/Wife duties, and had weeks where I felt like I was running myself into the ground (sometimes, I still do!)

I was exhausted, burnt out and miserable.  I had no time for myself.  My attitude at work was suffering, my attitude at home was suffering and I was fed up.  Something needed to change.

So I took a REAL look at our life, my priorities, my schedule, and I came up with a plan (with my husbands support), to start working on me.

First I knew I needed to get moving!  I tried so many times to get into a workout routine once I got the "OK" after Brayden was born. I tried getting to the gym...but with a long commute, and all of my other responsibilities, I just couldn't make it work. I also couldn't justify spending the $20/month on something I was using only sometimes.  I grew increasingly more frustrated with every failed attempt at staying on track.  I would do really well one week, and then the next fall off the wagon. It was exhausting...

Second, I HAD to clean up my diet. I had gained some weight BEFORE my pregnancy, and then topped it off with an additional 50lbs by the end of my pregnancy. By then, I had about 100lbs that I needed to lose, and I knew I wasn't getting it off just by exercising!

Third, I needed support.  I love my husband dearly, but more often than not, we enabled each other.  He would pull out some chips or snickers bars by the time we were settled in for the night, and I'd try and try to resist...but couldn't.  A stressful day at work would derail me, and he would come home with some treats to cheer me up.  So I needed to find another support system to help keep me accountable.

I needed a plan...
A friend of mine invited me to one of her challenge groups, which at first, I quite honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into, but I was desperate! I enrolled with the 21 Day Fix, and I committed to the 21 day Challenge of working out, clean eating, drinking Shakeology and daily check-ins in a Facebook group!

I got up early, pushed play, and found that it gave me more energy to tackle the rest of my "to dos" throughout the day.

I needed a goal...
As a new mom, I was facing all of the typical insecurities. I had lost so much confidence, and wanted my body back. I felt like my husband wasn't attracted to me anymore (which wasn't the case), but no one should ever have to feel that way! I just wanted to finally be comfortable in my own skin and confident enough to wear cloths that felt good to wear! Or maybe even one day...a bikini! And, 21 Days? That's nothing!

Here’s a typical day for me:


  • Alarm goes off (I DON'T want to get up, but...#GOALS!)
  • Brush my teeth
  • Drink some water
  • Pick out my Work Cloths
  • Put ON my workout cloths, and PUSH PLAY!
  • Catch up with my Challenge Groups, check emails, answer messages.
  • Shower, and get ready for work.
  • Make Shakeology, and grab my lunch!


  • Make the long commute to work, with Shakeology in hand! (Best morning pick me up EVER!)

  • Work, work, work!

  • Mid-morning Snack

  • Lunch - Catch up on personal development, answer messages, check in with challengers.

  • Work, work, work!

  • Make the long commute home!

  • Pick up Brayden from Daycare


  • Cook Dinner
  • Keep Brayden occupied!
  • Eat Dinner
  • Clean up from Dinner
  • Bathtime
  • Storytime
  • Bedtime for Brayden!

  • Hangout with hubby!


  • Check in with my challengers, check emails, answer messages.

  • Bedtime!

As you can see, there’s not a dull moment in my day!  For me, I just had to make sure that I was open to trying different schedules to find one that worked; open to spending time on the weekends prepping food for the week so clean eating during the week was a no-brainer; open to being OK if you temporarily get derailed and using your support system to help keep you on track; open to letting other people help you (this is a big one for me) and open to letting go.  Getting my priorities in check helped to lose 85lbs, regain my confidence, be happier and feel more fulfilled, and I embrace every single day!

My days are still very inconsistent and there are some days where I want to throw in the towel. But remember, each day is a new day!  So what if you go to bed with a sink full of dishes, toys everywhere and three loads of laundry to be folded?!?!  It will be there for you to tackle tomorrow! 

I'm so happy to say that the 21 Day Fix has helped me get closer to my goal weight! I'm 30lbs lighter than my pre-baby weight with only about 10-15 left to go! My self confidence is so much better, my attitude at home is immensely improved (even though I still work on the going to bed with a mess issue), I am fitting into cloths that I absolutely LOVE! And, I just take it one day at a time and am open to whatever is in store for me each day. Embrace the challenge and be open to growth.

I would love to hear your daily challenges, struggles, goals and also your successes!  I may be able to help with some of your challenges, others may be over my head.  But I think it’s so important to have a supportive community around you to share these struggles and goals and to be able to celebrate your sprouts of success.  

Join me in one of my upcoming challenge groups, or learn more about what I do as a Beachbody coach, and how I can help you achiever your personal goals!

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