Thursday, July 30, 2015

Before and Afters: Mind, not just body

~~Let's get REAL for a second here...and maybe a little deep~~

This is me from over a year ago (Left), and then the me today. (WOW have things changed in just a year!!)

A year ago, I was desperately  trying to feel comfortable again in my own body after having a baby.  I was happy, but self conscious, and absolutely HATED my picture being taken. I lacked confidence, and was insecure. So much so, that it affected my relationships...not only with myself, but with my family.

Today, although not perfect by any means, I'm more confident, happier, and finally feeling like myself again.  I smile more, laugh more, and share more about myself with others without worrying what they might think.  People are noticing, and it feels good!  I'm able to focus on my family rather than worrying about the scale not moving fast enough, or how uncomfortable I feel in what used to be my favorite pair of jeans.

I know what you're's just a workout program and a shake. How has it been so life changing for her? But it HAS been. And, maybe are sick of hearing about it...I'm ok with that. But, this new found me wants to help others feel more confident in their skin, and to find a more positive outlook on life.
Beachbody programs (like 21 Day Fix and Piyo) paired with Shakeology have given me so much more than a smaller number on the scale and looser fitting cloths, it has given me confidence, motivation, and a more positive attitude towards life.  I show up better for my family, and more importantly, I show up BETTER FOR MYSELF!

:::21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme are on sale for only ONE MORE DAY ($10 with Shakeology) and has been since June, so this opportunity won't be available again for a while. I encourage you to make yourself a priority TODAY! Don't wait until it's too late! If you're ready NOW, then commit NOW!:::

I can't WAIT to hear from you, and get you started. Together, we'll push to be a better version of ourselves!

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