Work with Me


First of all, I just want to say that I know what you're feeling. You're at your wits end knowing that deep down something has to change! You're finally ready to create the life and body that you have been so desperately thinking about all along. I was there. I get it. That is exactly why I do this! To help you find the tools and support you need to create positive change for yourself! You can do it! I can help!

If you are like me, you are juggling a lot of things every day. From being a full time working mom, to your family, your husband, kids, and running a household...we women wear a lot of hats, and we often times forget to put ourselves first! It's true! Our own self care gets pushed to the back burner or added to the bottom of the to do list but is quickly pushed aside as we crash into our beds, too tired to do anything else. Well not any more! I've partnered up with one of the nation's best and most proven fitness companies to give you effective systems that you can fit into your busy life. 

For a month we will set goals, plan, build healthy habits, and find solutions to make sure you are able to make healthy choices fit into YOUR life. We will work to rebuild confidence, banish negative self talk, and re-train your mind how to think about your health and nutrition!

When you join one of my monthly challenges, you get access to not only the wealth of tools that Beachbody has to offer, but also a personalized fitness challenge experience in my private online challenge group!

My challengers receive:

Coaching from yours truly, absolutely free!
Proven short workout program options, all around half an hour.
An easy to follow nutrition plan based on whole foods <-- You will NEVER feel deprived!
Simple superfood nutrition to fuel your body and support your healthy changes
Goal setting, recipe sharing, and meal-planning tips and tools so you never feel lost
A focus on mindfulness, affirmations, and building confidence <-- Say goodbye to negative self-talk!
Access to our private online accountability group with daily checkins and support!
All challenge grads will have open invitations into any and all future monthly challenge groups!

Also, depending on what program you pick, you will receive physical items like...
All the workouts you'll need for the month in DVD format

Access to other workouts streaming online <-- best thing since peanut butter on a spoon!
A workout calendar telling you exactly what to do each day!
A months supply of Shakeology in whatever flavor(s) you choose (vegan and non-vegan available)
An easy to follow nutrition plan booklet
Color coded containers that you can use to help you portion control (only with the 21 Day Fix, or as an additional add on to the program of your choice).

I know you're probably wondering whether or not you'll ever get to taste any of the foods you love again. Or maybe you're questioning if you'll be able to sip on your favorite glass of wine, or feel guiltless when you're cuddled up on the couch all day for a lazy Sunday! Here's the thing, this is YOUR journey.  I'm here to support you in this. For this to work it means that you are going to have to be able to make it fit into your lifestyle. We don't diet around here. In fact, I want you to remove that word from your vocabulary all together, and never speak of it again. We cultivate positive lifestyle changes. I'm looking to help women get healthy for life, not just for the cruise you have coming up. Are you with me?

That being said here are some things you will most likely have to give up to get the best results:

The notion that nothing works for you --> This is you giving up. Don't do that...I've got your back from here on out!
The idea that you'll always hate how you look
The idea that your worth as a women depends solely upon the way your body is shaped and sized
Binging on junk food when you're stressed or sad --> Throw that habit out the window!
While we're at it, let's just say goodbye to junk food for a while...
...and processed crap that's loaded with chemicals and preservatives...
...and bad for you habits like smoking or obsessive drinking (some of my fitness plans allow for reasonable servings of wine, if that's a deal-breaker for you!!)
Listening to the nay-sayers in your life who tell you that you can't do it.
Any half-assing. Go big or go home. That's the only way to see results.
The dolla-billz for the program you want to do. (Budget $140-$200 prices vary by program)
The excuses.... Everyone is busy. Everyone is tired. You make a way or you make an excuse.

I'm just a normal girl, who enjoys pizza and wine, and being lazy on a Sunday afternoon. I love working out, but struggled with finding balance and consistency in both my exercise and eating habits.  This lack of balance got me to the point where I had over 100 pounds I needed to lose to not only get healthy again but also get my confidence back, get my energy back, and get my excitement for life back!

I'm a full time working mom, and between my husband and I we commute and hour and a half both ways just to get to work. Outside of work, we have large family, friends and a 2 year son who has endless amounts of energy. I make this lifestyle work because it's the simplest system I've ever experienced. I choose programs with short but effective workouts (half an hour or less usually) and I make sure to give my body what it needs every single day with Shakeology. It saves me loads of time and money on other health supplements.

Every month I stay connected with my challenge groups. I use them as my accountability and it keeps me on track. Seeing all the people in there posting their sweaty workout pictures and their healthy meals makes me inspired to make it happen too! If they can do it, so can I! And so can you!

I keep my nutrition in check using the portion controlled system Beachbody has created. I can tell you all about it if you like! I eat clean foods, I avoid processed stuff 99% of the time. I feed my soul with affirmations and I stay connected to our tribe because the connection, uplifting attitudes, and positivity keep me feeling like I can do anything!

Okay! Are you ready to join in? Here are the prerequisites. (Don't worry, they are easy!)

You must be 18 or older (sorry young in's!)

You must live in the US, Puerto Rico, Canada, or if you are overseas, on a US Military Base
This opportunity is not open to Beachbody coaches or people currently working with other Beachbody coaches (if you have ordered from Beachbody or done a challenge in the past and are not sure if you currently have a coach, just email me and I'll help you figure it out!)

In the mean time, if you feel like you're ready to get going, fill out the form below and I'll be in touch right away to help you pick out the perfect program for you and let you know the dates of the next challenge you can join! 

cannot wait to learn more about you and help you get going!

Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

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